OMG! The characters have really grown up significantly now! This brings so many possibilities with it, and Kaze no Shoujo Emily grabs all of them! This was such an awesome episode, since just about every character that appeared in it showed a different side of him or herself. Seriously, never have I seen a sudden introduction of romance work SO well!
The thing with romance is that it can completely ruin characters when handled the wrong way. But with characters as awesome as in this show, it only strengthens them even more!!! To give a short summary:
– Perry still remembers the promise he made to Emily, and he confesses his love to her.
– Emily declines.
– Perry gets angry.
– Emily realizes she likes Teddy
– Ilse gets fed up with Perry’s angry behaviour after being dumped by Emily, and confesses her own love for Perry
– A few days later, during a local dance party, Perry and Ilse officially become a couple. The same would have happened with Emily and Teddy, if Emily didn’t get some sudden inspiration for her new poem. ^^;
Aunt Ruth, the most underdeveloped character of the cast also shined in this episode, when she suddenly managed to prevent Emily and the others from being expelled, due to some false rumours that have been spreading.
The thing also is: there are still four episodes left. I’m dying to know how this anime will choose to finish! This episode was so incredibly cute, it’s actually getting sad that it’s about to finish.]]>
Ilse looks so pretty with that blue dress.
i think aunt ruth is a bit 1D and underdeveloped compared to the book..
where she’s actually a very good woman.. she just doesn’t understand emily…but she still cannot help but love her, and it shows…
I just watched this episode just now, and I couldn’t agree with you more, Psgels. THIS is how you do a romance! You make characters show different sides to them, confront each other, and resolve their issues right off instead of dragging them out for a bajillion episodes! THIS is what more shoujo anime should be doing! THIS is the golden example for all shoujo/romance anime!