As a Christmas-episode, it was clear that this episode again would become a success, and I couldn’t help but love this episode. Kaze no Shoujo always manages to give me a warm feeling after every episode, and its characters remain some of the most touching of the entire season. In other words, this series is awesomeness.
I liked how, even though this was a Christmas-episode, the episode itself didn’t try to be something more than it was. It focused this time developing Elizabeth’s and Emily’s relationship even more, and made use of the Christmas-party that was held at the New Moon. It seems that Elizabeth has become stricter after the past few episodes, and even though she likes Emily, she stil tries to learn her a few lessons. I’m especially surprised at how much she seems to disapprove of Emily skating. Of course, it is dangerous and all for her, but for her to be this much against it, I wonder whether she speaks from experience…
In any case, Emily seems to screw up and breaks a bunch of promises, so as a result, Elizabeth doesn’t let her join the party and she spends the evening in her room, until Jimmy brings her a bit of food. She then even went as far as believing that Elizabeth believes that she doesn’t belong to the family. A woman then discovers her and the tears in her eyes (she had been crying for quite a while now). Usually in similar cases, the adult would cut the child some slack, but Elizabeth really intended to keep Emily away from the party as punishment. The woman really needs to bring Emily downstairs and confront Elizabeth with how she treated the poor girl, and even went as far as offering to take care of her. Elizabeth then really had to show some mercy to Emily, and the results were really touching.
Oh, and Emily and Ilse looked awesome in their formal dresses. I love it when anime spend attention to clothing like that, and don’t end up giving the same outfit to a character for every episode (which is another reason I tend to dislike school uniforms. Everyone now looks the same). This definitely is one of my favourite series to have aired in the spring-season!]]>
So this series is finally getting fansubbed, under the name “Emily of New Moon” (is that the “official” English title or something?). Two episodes out so far, and the person translating it, CelesAurivern, happens to be an old online friend of mine – a person who was instrumental during my first few Popolo fansub episodes under the Pakapuka Anime name, introducing me to lots of people and resources, and working like a madwoman to get the series some recognition online.
And as it turns out, she’s a damn good translator, too. (:
So yeah… hooray for this excellent-yet-unknown series finally finding a home at DigitalPanic! (:
Well, the series is based on a bunch of children’s books, written by the same author of Anne of Green Gables, and the books are called “Emily of the New Moon”, hence why.
I’m really glad to see that such an excellent translator will be handling this series. Let’s hope that her translations will give this series the recognition it deserves.
She’s crazy when she stuck her butt out in this episode.