Kaze no Shoujo Emily – 12

Seriously, it’s going to be extremely difficult choosing a number one for my upcoming June summary. This episode was once again excellent, and really heart-warming. One thing’s for sure, though: Kaze no Shoujo Emily definitely is the best slice-of-life series of the season and I urge every slice-of-life fan to check this series out as soon as it gets subbed. Seriously, why are shows like these unpopular with the fansubbers? When it comes to feel-good humour, Kaze no Shoujo does a much better job than Lucky Star, in my opinion and on top of that it provides some excellent drama. This episode focuses on Emily’s relationship with Jimmy, and her poetic character causes some misunderstandings again. Jimmy shows her the local newspaper where every week a different poem from a reader gets featured, and he urges Emily to enter as well. Obviously, the poem wouldn’t make it, but Emily spends lots of time, fantasizing about what would happen once her poem appeared in the newspaper. It’s strange. Usually when we see people fantasize it gets annoying. People fantasize about ridiculous things as a means of comic relief, but with Emily, it’s really a part of her character, and therefore very well developed, resulting in me, loving these scenes. Things get even better when Jimmy tries to prevent Emily from finding out that her poem didn’t make it, by buying up all of the newspapers from the local store. Jimmy really was adorable. He seems to really enjoy seeing the energetic Emily happy, and every time he saw her enthusiasm, we saw him with a smile on his face. Another thing I love about this series is how it takes place in Canada. The thing with anime is that most of the series just take place in Japan, while it’s fascinating to see other cultures portrayed. That’s why I usually dismiss anime that have Japanese high-schools as their setting: it’s been done so often, what can possibly be added by the umpth series focusing on it? The Canadian setting of Kaze no Shoujo therefore is really appreciated, and the difference is really noticeable. This episode introduced the winter-clothing of the different characters, and it may be me, but I never saw such outfits in Japan before. That’s probably because the winters in Canada are so much colder than those in Japan.]]>

0 thoughts on “Kaze no Shoujo Emily – 12

  1. It really depends on where in the country you are. PEI and the rest of the maritime provinces do get harsh weather storms (rain/snow) from time to time.

  2. It really depends on where in the country you are. PEI and the rest of the maritime provinces do get harsh weather storms (rain/snow) from time to time

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