Welcome back to running made interesting, Kaze Fui! This week the team makes it to the qualifiers, Hana teases some twins and Haiji finds a cliffhanger! Let’s start runnin!
Starting off, I am surprised we made it to the qualifier so quickly. Sure, we just had a training arc, but I figured we would get another episode of buildup. It’s a good thing, really, because we have 8 episodes left and I expect the Ekiden to take up probably half of those. As for the team, it was nice seeing them come together, again. I really should stop enjoying it, it’s happened so much, but I just can’t stop. It’s nice seeing them all prepare in their own ways. King memorizing the route, Yuki relaxing with his music, Musa in the bath, Kurahara going for more runs. Its all these little personality quirks, the in between moments, that make each of these characters feel equally important. Each of them have, or will soon have, their own stories that all tie together, and I love it.
Before I get into those specific stories of Yuki and the Twins though, there were some small details worth mentioning. Naturally, all of these have to do with Kurahara. The first of these was Yuki being concerned for Kurahara and if he wanted to show up on TV. It was small, but it shows that he does care. He is thinking Kurahara and considering his situation with his highschool coach. We also see joking around and having fun with the team, like the teasing from Musa. Old Kurahara wouldn’t have put up with it, but he is finally able to relax. The big one though is Haiji and Kurahara’s little chat. Its short, but it means so much. This is Haiji trusting Kurahara as his 2nd in command. Asking and valuing his opinion. To Haiji, Kurahara is someone he can rely on now. Based on the cliffhanger, this is important.
With the fluffy feelings done, now we can hop into the issues. The big one we saw at the end is Haiji’s knee, which I am glad is coming back. It’s been a plot point since the beginning, so it’s time that started causing him (more) trouble. The newer, and slightly more interesting, one though is Yuki’s parents. Shocker, avoiding calls and yelling on the phone indicates a poor relationship. Considering they either didn’t call to congratulate him, or he purposely ignored them, Yuki is not happy with them. My take is that, based on his lawyering career path and penchant for partying, his parents decided his path for him. I do not expect them to be happy that he is taking part in the Ekiden and not focusing on his studies. Overbearing parents, basically. Either way, it will be nice to see Yuki lose his cool and be emotional.
The other possible source of drama is Musa’s mystery. Namely, the twins, Hana and Kurahara. Now you may be wondering why I threw Kurahara in that list as well. Simply put, I think he might be a little into Hana. He seemed more than a little curious for the gossip, and had a strong reaction to the cutesy shots. For Hana herself, I think she could reciprocate just based on her previous interactions with Kurahara and how happy she often is to see him. Really, she could go for anyone, and it is because from this that drama will sprout. The twins have seemed so close, it would be interesting to see them fight and argue for once. Over a girl no less! The only issue for me though is, does this have a place in Kaze Fui?
I ask because I am not sure how much of a place romance has in Kaze Fui’s story. With only 8 episodes left, what will it take the focus from? What will a conflict based on romance bring to the story compared to Prince and Kurahara’s personality conflict or Nico’s weight management? Kurahara’s emotional imbalance or Yuki’s parents? Because of who the author is, I have faith that Kaze Fui will do it well. That this romance aspect will be used intelligently. But should it come to pass that Hana chooses Kurahara, or he gets involved in it, I don’t want it to become a central part of the story. I still want the focus to be on the 10 boys and their relationships, coming together and running, a bonding story. Not suddenly shift into a romance, however good it may end up being.
Lastly, let’s talk about this cliffhanger. Personally, I don’t see it as a big deal. It’s hardly a cliffhanger, as Haiji’s kneed and physical health has been in contention since the first episode. This is also a large running even, so something was bound to happen. I will agree, it was probably over dramatized what with the rain and camera angles, but I can’t hate on it to much. The rain made the slip more believable and it is a dramatic jog for them. The big thing to me is how Kaze Fui handles it next episode. If it’s dealt with immediately, and then used as a consistent throughline of the episode, I think it will be fine. A good closing/starting line for the next episode. The real worry is if Kaze Fui attempts to milk this, which from what we have seen so far, I don’t see happening.
All in all, a largely slower episode of Kaze Fui this week. Mostly acting as a setup for the final moments/next week. I liked how every character had their moment and how more drama is coming forth naturally. It’s not being ham fisted in with a random girl coming from nowhere or some other random trope. Hana has been around since the start, as has the twins infatuation with her. Yuki has been closed off as well. Both of these are issues that, while maybe not spelt out from the start, were always present. They also relate to our character and not some random outside force. It’s because of this that I am looking forward to the coming conflicts and, once again, love what Kaze Fui is doing.
What do you think though? Kaze Fui being a bit dull this week, or was it juuuust right? Let me know down below, and I will see you next week!