Katanagatari – 05

I’m pleasantly surprised how good this series has turned into. It’s a show that may have a bit of a formulaic formula, but it knows that it shouldn’t just do the same thing over and over. The episodes so far have been pleasantly varied and interesting. This episode finally introduces some romantic tension between Togame and Shichika, also answering my pleas for character-development.

Again, even though this was an episodes of more than half an hour of talking, I wasn’t bored at all. I’m really getting warmed up to this series at this point and I really have to praise both NishiOisin and the staff of the anime for pacing out the series well to make it interesting without becoming boring or tedious. And even though it’s nowhere near the best of the genre, this still is what I’m looking for in a “ton of dialogue”-anime.

It of course had it coming that a bit of chemistry would develop between the two of them, after having been this close for a relatively long amount of time. The only thing that was needed at this point was this getting through Shichika’s thick skull (having lived alone with his sister for more than a decade). The interesting question now is what the creators are planning to use this for. At the least, the romance has felt subtle enough not to feel like cliches or cheese, which definitely is a step into the right direction.

This episode also set itself apart with these weird tantrums of Togame… which were definitely fun to watch, especially with the weird background music that this series has been using.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

4 thoughts on “Katanagatari – 05

  1. “Formulaic formula”? I think you just got yourself a rich and yet priceless formulation ^_^’

  2. I agree with you they are finally starting to explore the actual romance between Shichika and Togame, it’snice how they used the sword owner of this month falling for her to do this.
    how Azekura Kanara executed his final move with steam going out of the armor, I thought he was about to shoot a double rocket punch lol.
    And remember in the first episode there was one of the blade that looked like double guns since this month sword was an armor it’s not so wrong anymore to think they were really guns.

  3. I’m finding myself enjoying this series more and more by the episode. I was wondering how they would approach the character development given Shichika’s naivety, but they pulled it off pretty well in my opinion.

  4. It’s nice to see a building romance that isn’t cheesy and emotionally tense all-the-time. Their quirkiness makes it all the more interesting to watch. It’ll probably take some time for Shichika and Togame to explicitly put their feelings out there (if they’ve even figured it out for themselves) but we’ve still got seven episodes to see that happen!

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