Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi – 07 – 10

One of the things I love about this series: it’s like this big road trip. People travel togeter and people lack purpose in this world so some of them just go along for the ride. That’s quite rare for travelling series like this. Also, when one of the main character runs off for a few episodes in the spotlights, off screen development happens for the rest of the cast. Also very appreciated in making this cast come alive by showing that they do more than what you see on camera. Episode 9 was a wonderful example of this where the focus of the episode just kept changing. This series perhaps jumps around, but it’s being very creative in doing so.

Yeah, things come out of nowhere. I don’t care. The proposal of episode 9 was awesome. It’s bizarre: whenever this show pulls something out of its ass like that, it feels like it fits. Like, scarily well.

Also, why did the time-loop in episode ten decide to reset everything on my birthday. I’m scared now….

Now, let’s talk about the big picture now. For a long while the show dealt with many different people and their stories relating to the setting. Right now, we’re getting character development. Alltogether, this makes for quite a rounded series. Both the setting and characters are really intriguing, and are well developed; very charming. This series obviously uses the vague type of storytelling: it doesn’t tell everything and you need to read between the lines for a lot of stuff.

But yeah… as for the actual concrete story… I’m not sure whether we’re really getting to the “saving the world”-part. My big fear will be the ending here. Please dont make “god” some kind of evil end boss or something.

The biggest downside of these four episodes? The start of episode 07, which somehow succeeded in bringing in a school and a bath scene again… are we nowhere safe?
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

3 thoughts on “Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi – 07 – 10

  1. Also, why did the time-loop in episode ten decide to reset everything on my birthday. I’m scared now…


    This series so far has been entertaining and has my interest on every new location they went to so far, but then the time limit hits and everything went 1.5x faster than normal. It just makes everything a little subdued for me; Even though there are scenes that doesn’t need explaination at all, can AND will tug on my heart.

    As for whether the god in the series is evil or not, I’d say he lost patience for calming the chaos in the world and just granted wishes for everyone that wished very hard for.

  2. I found Episode 9 to be genuinely creepy. All those identical grave-keepers popping into existence and wandering off with that unnerving smile was .. well just off.

    As to the god in this world? Indifferent I would say would be the word to describe him/her.

  3. i agree with your review- i loved kamisama’s plotline and the current story about the timeloop- it’s all very entertaining and i hope the ending won’t be a dissapointment

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