K – 06

We’re nearly at the halfway point of this show and it’s time to bring in the background episode: the episode that shows who it was that Yashiro supposedly killed. It was a strange guy who liked to try out a lot of different things, hung around with thugs, even though he wasn’t one himself and who was also very charismatic to boot. This episode seemed to hint that at one point he split in two, with Yashiro being his other half, who afterwards just lost his memory. What the cat has to do with this… I have no idea.

Again, this episode was neat, but again I feel like the creators could have done more with this. It’s all very straight forward, and none of the characters really stands out or sets himself apart. What I liked best was Yashiro this episode as he realized that his memory was fake, but even that was a bit monotone.

Oh, and I still quite like the detail that the creators put in their environment. The backgrounds in this series are probably rendered photos, but they still look gorgeous. Plus, you can see that the creators of this show like food quite a bit, with all of the details they put into the different kinds of food that the characters eat. Whether this will be enough for this series though… I’m not sure.
Rating: 4/8 (Nice)

17 thoughts on “K – 06

  1. Obviously the cats reason in this show is to create illusions around Yashiro to make him believe in this fake life created for him. Hence the reason she was so angry at Kuro for trying to call Yashiro’s friend. Because she can’t fool them if they talk to the real person.

    I figured that out at the start of episode 5. Probably would have figured it out sooner if I gave a damn about the show.

    1. Except that makes no sense. How could a illusion allow Kuroh to enter the school as guest if she neededed to be registered in the system and have the real person’s pda?

      It’s more likely that Neko can use a form of memory manipulation but she has to be ata certain distance form the person for it to work. This is why Kukuri couldn’t recall Shiro through the phone: neko was too far.

  2. “Yashiro this episode as he realized that his memory was fake, but even that was a bit monotone.”

    Last episode I found his recation to the shirt very monotone, but not in this one. He was clearly very shocked when he did the two phone calls and then became very depressed to the point he couldn’t care if he lived or died anymore (just compare that to the second episode, where he did all he could to get away from Kuroh). Personally I prefer this portrayal over the usual reaction of nonstop crying and shouting.

    As for if this will be enough, there is a good chance it will be. We already know who is the killer and our main characters have figured out someone that is involved (Neko). If they spend one episode explaining the missing pieces and the rest resolving the issue…they might just avoid a rushed ending.

    Overall I would have rated this much higher: the episode fleshes out the characters, is not confusing, moves on with the plot and the animation remains consistent. The only part that I didn’t like was the insert song; it felt too out of nowhere.

    Also, hello psgels! I have been lurking here for more than year (I think i only ever posted once, lol) love your blog.

  3. Hmmm I think at the start someone mentioned that it was a bit like Durarara

    I thought of Baccano as well

    But I think so far.. it’s been good, but at the same time, it doesn’t really hit a gut emotion, I don’t really care for any of the characters, despite how they obviously try to make sympathetic characters.

  4. K is vague. I’m liking it but, man… I feel like too much is being held out on us. Maybe it can make up for it with a good climax… but who knows.

  5. K is fun to watch and I can’t wait until the big revelations! I’ve been reading Memory of red and I’m sad he’s gone he’s such a nice guy

  6. I think Shiro was framed…. :X

    btw, mistress_kisara- who is your icon? I feel like that person looks familar)

  7. psgels, I just noticed today that K is now in your Dropped list. Since you seemed pretty neutral about the series thus far (neither loving nor disliking it), I was surprised. Were there just too many series you were following to continue with K, or did you think the series wouldn’t have much of a payoff by the end to warrant watching the second half of the series? (Sorry, I was curious since, despite my own misgivings about the story from episode 7 onward, I still want to see where the writers are going with all of it.)

    1. Yeah, the only reason is that I just was blogging way too many series. Out of all of those, K was one of the least interesting to cover.

  8. I know you’re pretty swamped with series, but I’d really like to see you give K one more chance if you find any chance. Even if you don’t blog it, the series becomes far more enjoyable as you keep watching from this point (in my opinion). The newest plot twist left me begging the computer for more, so I think that you’ll be able to appreciate it. I’m really picky with anime, and I almost dropped K too. However, a friend of mine prompted me to keep watching and I was pleasantly surprised. I decided to try to do the same for you.

      1. All the plot twists until now made sense and were foreshadowed. A good chunk of them were even predicted by the fans.

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