Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure – 06

After watching this series, so much has suddenly become clear. The influence that this series has had is unmistakable on some other series. Perhaps there has never been another series like it, but I really recognize its “anything can be awesome”-mentality. For example, something tells me that Death Note’s chips-eating scene took some of its inspiration from this series.

In the second half of this episode, it showed that even something as simple as opening a door can have impact if you just put enough passion into it. That scene was amazing due to all of the build-up it has gotten, and how badly everyone wanted to open that door (“Let me try to punch this iron door in!”), and how it caused Poco to do something.

Then there were things like turning a bunch of leaves in a large magnetic hang glider. Just… how did these guys think of this? I also love the ridiculously overblown symbolism, like when Bruford was defeated and suddenly flowers started growing around him. When pulled half-heartedly, this can get so incredibly cheesy, but here it just becomes awesome, especially accompanied by Speedwagon’s overly emotional and elaborate ways to state the obvious.

Though turning luck into pluck… that is one of the most bizarre uses of Engrish I’ve seen in a while…
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

7 thoughts on “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure – 06

  1. Luck and Pluck is perfectly good english and a characteristic all JoJos have in common. The term was coined by Horatio Alger jr, a 19th century american author.

  2. I’d like throw in, that once again the series has proven to have an outstanding soundtrack. It has this sense of grandeur that enhances every scene and adds to the whole.

    Also the BGM transitions are expertly handled. Take for instance the part when they conjured up their magnetic leaf glider and how the music changes over the course of it, smoothly going into a more quiet piece, when Zeppeli starts his flashback. It all underlines the feeling that you’re watching a telling of an archetypal larger-than-life story, about heroes doing their heroic deeds. Or, of course, the way how the ending theme underlines perfectly how Zeppeli is going into this fight.

    Originally, I wanted to point out another current series, that used its soundtrack rather haphazardly in its early episodes, which ended up drawing you out of the story with inappropriate BGM tracks, but I don’t want to start an an argument. This is how you use a soundtrack.

  3. loved this episode. especially loved the ending theme starting early for zeppeli’s ensuing battle with bruford; i was pumped and it put a big smile on my face. the awesomeness.

  4. Just wait for part 3 to learn where other shonens like HxH and Naruto lifted their special powers and battle structure.

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