Jinrui wa Suita Shimashita – 03

In this episode, our lead female meets a manga author that she went to school with who invents gay romance fiction and creates a legion of fujoshi by doing so. The thing is, and I’m not sure why, but I had trouble keeping my attention on this episode and I kindof wonder why.

Well, there of course is the way that I’m not interested in works that are purely fanservice and the entire culture that surrounds it, but also: how does this world work anyway? They have cars and apparently methods to transport huge amounts of people, but simple fiction and a printing press is something lost to the ages?

If anything, I fail to miss the point that this episode wants to make. Was it all meant to build up to that moment at the end in which they got caught in a manga? In that case, there is something that bothers me: this series will likely be only 12 episodes long. i feel like it’s taking too long to get from A to B. For a series as Uchuu Kyoudai this is fine because it’s both long and consistently interesting, but with this episode, this series is neither…
Rating: Enjoyable

12 thoughts on “Jinrui wa Suita Shimashita – 03

  1. Doujin culture is really about more than “fanservice”, in many ways it’s become a way for amateurs to express their creativity while not going trough a commercial platform. Using popularity of existing characters to further create unique works. Not to mention it’s become a huge media/commercial pull some what akin to the SD comic con going on right now

    The episode is basically a parody of the rise of the subculture and events. It’s funny that it was some one is a bit of position of power that did it(the friend has a real job in preserving past history and culture, but she’s more into her personal interest while “on the job”)

  2. I’m going to assume that there technological prowess is satire. Whats her face mentioned that the printing press worked perfectly, never mentioning anything about learning how to build one by studying it, its almost as if people don’t make anything for themselves anymore or they’ve gotten lazy, or maybe they’ve gotten used to the fairies doing stuff for them.

    I’m also going to assume the point of the gay fiction romance was satire to the manga industry

    As for getting trapped in the empty manga, likely the fairies doing

    This episode really did catch me off guard, it certainly wasn’t as good as the first two, but this series as a whole I’m enjoying quite well so far. I love both the OP and ED which is rare too.

    You sure mention how you hate fanservice a lot, but it almost seems like you hate anything and everything remotely sexual. Whats the deal?

    1. I agree with the machinery satire. This series is clearly magic realism. Trying to look at it from a logical and scientific way seems like the wrong angle to me.

  3. You do realize that this series is made up of a bunch of mini stories. The first two episodes were story 1. Episode 4 will conclude this story.

    So this is not comparable to Uchuu Kyoudaii at all because that is one main storyline. This is many storylines in the same world.

    This first episode was the set up and I imagine everything will come together next episode. Just like we found out the secrets of the factory in episode 2.

  4. Liked this episode a lot, but I guess some people have more problems enjoying standalone stories. It’s not like the purpose of the characters here is to save the world or something like that. I liked Watashi again this episode and the new character was interesting.

  5. I personally thought the point of the episode was to show how we choose to indulge in our fantasies and not concern ourselves with major issues. Like how we constantly prioritize celebrity news over real world problems effecting us.

    1. Granted, you could say that. However, arguably, you could analyse this episode, and many other shows passing it off as more insightful and claiming ‘thats was the point the episode was really trying to make’. However, I fail to see the link between what you’ve said and getting trapped in a manga?

      1. They’ve been trapped in a manga for ten seconds, Loz. -_- Wait for the next episode to see where the show goes with that.
        KrazyKobun is referring to how the masses in this episode were much more concerned with the boys’ love manga Y published rather than the much weightier matters of life (including matters of surviving in a post-apocalyptic world).

        1. Yeah I know what KrazyKohun was referring too, and I acknowledged his point right at the start of my post. I was just trying to come at it from a bit of a different perspective and offer him an opposing view. 🙂
          Dont have to worry bout the next episode with me Cholisose, as ive already dropped the show 😛

          1. There was never a link to what I said and the fact that Watashi and Y got trapped in a manga. This is a surrealist comedy as well as a social satire, so I don’t see the problem here. Hell, it was a funny way to end the episode if you ask me.

            I honestly find this series fascinating. This episode wasn’t really funny, but I was never bored.

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