Jigoku Shoujo – 74

Short Synopsis: A girl whose identical twin sister is a famous idol calls Jigoku Tsuushin
Episode Rating: 8/10 (Excellent)
Oh boy, this series sure has rocked for the past number of episodes. This episode probably was the last of the regular revenges, and the finale should start next week, and it was yet another great episode that yet again shatters the borders between good and evil.

First it’s established that the girl has a very cocky older sister who she envies a lot (including her boyfriend). The girl then gets to take revenge when her sister gets into an accident and she gets to take over her role. While she’s normally shy and held back, she falls in love with standing in the spotlight and soon starts taking over her sister’s life that she worked hard for to attain. Even when the sister gets better, she isn’t backing down. In the end the sister is the one who calls Jigoku Tsuushin in order to have the pesky sister that tried to take over her life moved to hell. What was especially great about this episode is that at one point, you could hardly tell which one was which, and only if you paid a lot of attention you could see which one was being sent to hell.

Okay, so four episodes left, and the creators have done a very good job at keeping the contents of the finale of this series a total mystery. Seriously, I have no bloody idea what the creators are going to fill those final episodes with, apart from one episode’s attention to Yuzuki’s mother, and that pesky spider is probably yet again going to wait until episode 26 before it shows up.

One thought on “Jigoku Shoujo – 74

  1. Actually we don’t really know which sister got sent to hell. They purposely put a flash of light on part of the name at the Tsuushin (?)input screen and had trickling candlewax covering up Sumi/Yui part of the name too at the end. And the Masato didn’t actually say the either of their names when he broke up with one of them.

    I guess there was that evening gown she wore when she won the Grand Cup, but the arm was too much in the way to tell if there was the birthmark.

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