Jigoku Shoujo – 20

This is the perfect example of an episode which started horribly, and ended magnificently. In the beginning, we see some kind of actor who claims to be paranormally gifted being humiliated in front of television by a guy who calls himself “The boy who returned from hell”. I have problems with both of these persons. The actor just doesn’t fit this show. I have no idea why the creators found it a good idea to make him act like a little boy, but it just doesn’t work in a show like this. The boy who returned from hell (I’ll call him hell boy for now) is even worse. First of all, his outfit totally sucks. It looks like he’s some kind of Dracula Wannabe or something. Secondly, he behaves like a total idiot, acting all high and mighty, while every baboon can see that he’s nothing. Tsugumi and Hayate also didn’t play such good roles as they did in previous episodes.

Anyway, hell boy plans to challenge Ai for a fight, so he uses the actor to summon her in order to extract revenge upon him. It works, Ai appears, and then the awesomeness starts. First of all, we get to see a bit of her background! I really can’t believe it. Okay, it is not much, just a clear sky, but still. I’ve been dying to see that scene. Then hell boy tries to beat her using his hell-powers. It seems to work, but Ai so TOTALLY pwns him afterwards, it was so great to see this idiot get what he deserves after messing with her. The thing she said about not caring about herself was just AWESOME. Finally, we get to see Ai pwning hell boy even more, by straightly sending him into hell, where he literally belongs. As a dessert, we get treated on even more background and awesomeness of Ai. There surely was something that happened to her in the past. And I want to know it!!

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