Jigoku Shoujo – 18

Again, we see the standard Jigoku Shoujo-story. This wasn’t meant as a special episode, so it quite followed the formulae that had been set by the previous episode. The special thing about this story was the antagonist. This… eh… “woman” really made a hell out of her victim’s life, using dogs as hostage. Although this was nothing compared to episode 15 and 16, it still was greatly executed.

This also was the first time in which the antagonist actually gets arrested and everyone knows in the end what she had done. Normally, the truth would just be kept between a couple of individuals.

Oh, and Tsugumi still manages to be too cute. ^_^

0 thoughts on “Jigoku Shoujo – 18

  1. the story so nice.. i like the story because it about death… the character who i like is enma ai..tsugumi is so cute.. “always in you heart” _jigoko shoujo

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