Jigoku Shoujo – 12

I had already been spoiled about the way this episode would have ended, so I didn’t really expect much out of it. Still, this series delivered. There were a lot of philosophical issues in this episode, it furthermore had a great story, the characters were awesome and the way this episode ended was just beautiful. With other words: totally different from what I expected.

We have this girl, who’s staying away from school, only contacting a friend she met online, recieving a lot of support from her. Her teacher (friendly and ambitious) meanwhile tries to get her back to school, which doesn’t really go too well up to the point of that girl calling hell-hotline in order to dispose of him. Then we see some interesting facts revealed, leading to the girl and the teacher starting to like each other and suddenly the teacher begins to get suicidal tendencies. The ending made me just hate that old hag of a grandmother, but it did make me love Ai and Tsugumi even more.

Also, the Jigoku-threesome stays out of the picture in this episode. Interesting…

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