Jigoku Shoujo – 11

Our case this time: an editor of a corrupt newspaper published an article thta made some guy’s father go to prison, thus destroying his whole family. Some guy wants revenge for this and calls for Jigoku Shoujo. The special thing about this episode (skip this part if you’re just like me and allergic to spoilers) is that we have the guy who’s been returning for the past couple of episodes (is it me and my memory, or are their names never even mentioned?) meeting up with him, and learning about his plans.

This certainly was a "guy-who’s-been-returning-for-the-past-couple-of-episodes"-episode (I think I’ll call him the Reporter from now on, until I get to figure out his name). We get to know his character, we see why he’s so interested in Jigoku Shoujo, his struggles to prevent her from delivering her revenges and a satisfying ending.

I just had two issues with this episode. 1: Why did the Reporter coincidentally meet up with a victim of Jigoku Shoujo? And why does he have such perfect timing? This episode just let an aweful lot depend on Lady Fortuna, unfortunately. 2: I’m also getting kinda bored with the revenge-delivering scenes. I don’t know why, but they seem to be getting boring and repetitive, which is a strange thing for a show like Jigoku Shoujo. It’s like that the creators threw these scenes in out of pity. I’m not really happy with this, as these scenes do for a part of the climax.

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