Introducing youngbloods, Vol. 2: Armitage!

Target acquired, lock, engage. Joining my brothers in arms, it’s your girl, Armitage! 😀

Hey, everyone!! After days of brawling and bloodshed, I have finally emerged as a joint victor of the Battle Royale for the coveted position of ‘New Blogger’. I am grateful to the brave fallen and look forward to making acquaintance with the living, here at Star-Crossed Fleet.

I am in my final year at Uni but I have decided to instead follow my passion for stories. I will be pursuing my dream to be a novelist, you see. Ever since I was a little child, I have loved fictional characters and the incredible lives they lead. And anime was one of the first mediums to make me feel that way. Hence, I have decided to give blogging a shot.

Some of my favorites include: Hunter x Hunter 2011, Honey & Clover, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu and 3-gatsu no Lion. I look forward to talking about seasonal anime and more with you all and vow to fight to death, defending my shit taste over yours! 😛

Thanks for having me!! <3


10 thoughts on “Introducing youngbloods, Vol. 2: Armitage!

    1. Was this all it took? Dang, I shoulda made my enjoyment of the show known before now.

      Welcome, Officially, Armitage! Look forward to your writing!

  1. Shouwa Genroku is also among my favs, great anime.

    Based on your list, I can recommend 7 Seeds for you. Adventure, character drama with shoujo elements. It should air this Friday on Netflix, if nothing changed since.

    I hope someone will cover it from here. It’s been my most wanted anime adaptation for over a decade, and it being a Netflix adaptation, gives me hope for it being good.

  2. Hey, welcome here.
    I was actually just thinking of how there had been no female writers before on the site, glad to have you onboard.

    I’ve always seen sangatsu, rakugo, 7 seeds and honey and clover to be the logical conclusion for any shoujo reader to move onto/mature into following.
    Are you uptodate on Sangatsu’s manga? If so you’ll realize how necessary a third season needs to happen.
    Adapting 7 seeds with a new artstyle is probably a wise decision, despite my liking of the manga, the artstyle probably hasn’t aged well.

    Truly ashamed that I don’t recognize what your post header picture is (the one with the glasses girl and the gun), I usually recognize everything.

    1. Hi, there! I am not updated on the Sangatsu manga, sadly. I just felt that the anime adapted everything so beautifully. For all their critique, Shaft really knocked that one out of the park. I too am eagerly waitig for to see more of Rei and Hina in anime form. What would you suggest? Should I pick up the manga? Is it that good?

      Also, I am REALLY looking forward to the 7seeds anime but Netflix shows have bee more miss than hit for me. So, feel a bit conflicted abou it too :/

      Also, worry not about the header pic, it’s not from any anime. It’s just the one I use for my MAL account. So, I put it up here too ^_^

      1. I would say if only for Akari’s arc involving her father, that would be enough reason to pickup the manga from where the anime left off.
        The anime covered 9 out of 15 volumes.
        It ultimately got me fully back onboard into the series.

        1. Okay, then! Too bad that manga aren’t available physically in my country and if ordered online, they take weeks to arrive and I have moved on to the next thing till then 🙁

          But I will definitely be giving the Sangatsu manga a read today itself! Thanks for the rec! <3

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