Introducing Amun

Hello! Call me Amun – good to meet ya!

The kind bloggers of this site have graciously allowed me to join their ranks. A bit about me – I’m a 30 year old Happa who is gainfully employed as a programmer/manager/pointy haired boss/whatever (you’re here for anime, not a resume).  As discord embarrassingly revealed to the other writers, I currently play League of Legends, though I was sufficiently addicted to WoW in the past (afl lock, yessir).

My anime instincts tend to wander towards shonen, with good characterization and world building as musts.  I’ve been watching anime now for about 15 years (I tend to be anime only with resorting to manga when there is no hope for future seasons *sniff*).   The show that got me hooked was Hikaru no Go, and I haven’t looked back since.

A picture’s worth a thousand words, so here’s a small banner for some of my top personal picks.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy my thoughts and if not…flame me until I get better!  (+1 for everyone who can name all anime shown in the banner…+2 if you caught the previous pun).

Let’s watch some anime together!

12 thoughts on “Introducing Amun

  1. I can! My Hero Academia, Girls Last Tour, Steins Gate, Ghost In The Shell, Haruhi Suzumiya, Natsume Yuujinchou, One Punch Man, Hunter x Hunter, and Gargantia in the Verduous Planet. Welcome to Star Crossed!

  2. Woah, rare to see such a similar list to mine. Hikaru no Go was my favourite during the start of my anime watching career (the big moment at around ep60, and the opening change right after, showing Hikaru growing up alongisde of Sai, caused me the most tears maybe), right after that came Natsume Yuujinchou. HxH, S;G and Haruhi is also among my favourites. Hero Aca is the only shouning fight I’ve been following for many years, a good one.

    The only thing I don’t really agree on is Gargantia. It started off with so much potential, but I didn’t feel that it lived up to any of it. (But I saw it when it aired, so I can no longer really go in-depth)

    1. Definitely agree on the HnG. Gargantia for me had such an incredible world and lovable characters that I forgave them for having a standard plot (I mean, something had to happen for the story to be worthwhile and keep the viewer interested). I felt while the story wasn’t going to win any awards for writing, it at least didn’t ruin the excellent world they built (like Nagi no Asukara managed to do).

  3. Ah, forgot about Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou, the secret gem of 2017. It was such a huge surprise, I enjoyed every minute of it. OP/ED is also among my favourites.

  4. Hello Amun, welcome to star crossed anime blog.
    By the looks of it you have been into the medium just 5 years less than I.
    Have you found anything on the upcoming season list that you’ve decided/considered on covering?
    I’m glad to see shoujo shuumatsu and ghost in the shell on your list, the prior mostly because it accomplishes that particular feeling of immersion that allows you to forget you’re watching something, has an atmosphere that allows you to feel you’re inside the show itself.
    The latter because I honestly do believe that anime/manga should attempt to go beyond themselves for a more intellectual experience/something the viewer actually needs to pay attention to follow.
    Is the inclusion of steins; gate representative of both seasons?
    Also a reminder that the new natsume movie has just been subtitled, the series has a winning formula that has allowed it to endure for so long without becoming boring.

    1. You hit the nail exactly on the head for Shoujo Shuumatsu – that’s precisely why I love it. GiTs is a transcendent anime and changed multiple genres…greatly for the better.

      Man, and you’ve gone and asked the hardest question on Steins;Gate. So the second season to me was…a bit of an unnecessary complication. I actually am a fan of Chaos;Head and Robotics;Notes, but they just don’t capture the genius of the original S;G. I think the second season is more on par with C;H or R;N, so that’s how I classify it. It actually took me 3 months to watch the first half of S;G and then like 16 hours straight to watch the last half. If an anime can make you drop everything to finish it, there’s magic there.

      For the upcoming season, I gotta say the first season of Dungeon was a guilty pleasure, so I will probably do that (The other writers have more refined tastes, I don’t think I’ll have much competition on that one). Fire Force looks good too. Other than that, I’ll just have to watch the first episodes and see!

      Thanks for the tip on the Natsume movie, I’ll have to check it out (I try to avoid sailing the high seas when possible so I haven’t seen it on those channels, but if all else fails, I’ll get it somehow!)

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