I’m Back

Hey everyone, I’m back from my holiday to Germany. For those intereseted, some highlights include:
– Being completely overwhelmed by the Castle Neuschwanstein and the most beautiful views I have ever seen in my life.
– Meeting a ton f great people, including a Spanish couple, some architecture PHD students, some Belgian travellers, Dutch Students, English students,, a Vietnamese fashion designer, Americans from Oregon, New Jersey and a guy from Seattle travelling together with his daughter, a member of the Australian women’s soccer team as they were about to play the quarterfinals of the world bup, but most importantly Sasa, ChobitsChi and liangchaos. You guys were awesome and it was great to actually meet you in person.
– Walking outside of the Berlin Hauptbahnhof, only to realize that I left my bag in the train. Having to travel to Rostock of all places to get it back.
– Completely randomly bumping into this huge building chock full of grafitti and indie art. I usually don’t like art museums, but this was one big exception and very impressive.

Overall: Germany. Awesome country. Awesome vacation.

In any case, for the next number of days I’ll try to catch up tot he anime I missed, and the comments you all posted, along with deciding which series I’m going to end up blogging this season, and how. The big question being which of the excellent series this season I’m not going to cover weekly.

16 thoughts on “I’m Back

  1. I’m glad you liked Neuschwanstein! It’s awesome you got to meet a member of the Australian women’s soccer team too!

    As for anime, don’t worry, you didn’t miss all that much. Germany is a great country, and I hope to go back someday as well.

  2. I know Neuschwanstein, too. It was very interesting when I saw it. It’s cool that you also were able to meat so many people. I live in Frankfurt so it was to far away to Berlin. Hope you enjoyed it!
    Now I am curious to find out how you like the new season. And watch iger and Bunny, the last episode was IMO one of the best.

  3. I have visted Neuschwanstein, too. It is only a stone’s throw away from my home. Really impressive.
    Anyways, it is good to have you back. I always look forward to your great reviews!

  4. Glad you had fun in Germany! I was stationed there for two years, and it was quite the experience. My opinion, its best as a vacation and not a permanent living arrangement.

  5. Did you get your bag back? And yes, south Germany is beautiful, glad you enjoyed your trip. However, how was the weather? I live probably very near you in Aachen (Aken) and the weather this week was terrible.

  6. R: yup, that’s the one. Inside the building I indeed saw a number of posters that showed that they’ve been having problems with the government. Such a shame.

    Pat: yeah, thankfully I got my bag back after a bit of an annoying train journey.

    As for the weather: I got really lucky with it, with one major exception. The weather overall was beautiful, though at one time when I was walking along this mountain path, I was suddenly surprised by this huge hail and rainstorm that completely soaked me (I had nowhere to hide and all). The view that I got to see afterrwards, on top of the alps, really made up for it, though. ^^;

  7. Neuschwanstein is indeed amazing, and I was only there a little over a month ago. It’s disappointing that you don’t get to take pictures inside, and the tour quality wasn’t that great either though. The scenery is something you can take a picture of, and it’d look like a painting though.

    Were you in Munich? Ozzie’s walking tours there (from the Wombats hostel) were the best I had in Europe, period.

  8. Oh I am so late with commenting (I’m on a trip myself now after all). I am so glad you enjoyed Germany! It seems like you had quite an adventurous trip and it’s great to hear that you got your luggage back at least.

    Be sure to let us know about your future travels too!

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