This arc still is going on? I thought that by now, the characters would have solved things by now, but they really are teking their time solving everything.
So this episode did something very interesting in terms of mystery: it toyed with its conventions. What I mean by that is that in this episode it provided the clues needed for the audience to figure out the culprit of the Juumonji case, but they did not show him whatsoever. They basically fleshed a guy out really well without ever showing him. Now that takes a very good writer to pull off.
So yeah, my theory: the student council president is behind everything, with the goal to spice up the school festival and have a bit of fun. Oreki’s sister probably talked to him last year when she bought that manga and figured out that he had something planned. That’s all pretty clear now, it’s just that the guy himself is an enigma.
Beyond that there also was some really good characterization on the rest of the cast. Mayaka’s reaction when that girl spashed water over her was particularly well done. Chitanda was as fun as ever, but who really caught my surprise was Satoshi. Is it me, or did this episode show a different side of him: a side that’s jealous of Oreki for being able to solve everything he can’t.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)
Satoshi has been showing jealousy hints since the film arc. I agree with you Psgels about this arc changing things up mystery-wise. This time it’s not about “how things happened and who did it” but just about “who did it and why” by giving us most of the clues, making things a lot more accessible for the viewer.
Also I’m surprised at how much I’m liking Chitanda this arc: I’ve never hated her but sometimes she was kinda annoying; this time she’s quite funny and sometimes really adorable.
i thought that satoshi was always jealous of him, i know i would be
Tomoe-sama appears! Nice dress. The style looks really familiar but I can’t place it’s origins. Anybody know? I suspect it’s authentic ethnic clothing from one of the countries she’s mentioned to have visited earlier in the series. It kinda reminds me of Belldandy’s goddess dress. She seems to have figured out exactly what’s going on just from looking at the poster outside the Executive Committee room. She knew to give Houtarou the information he needed to start figuring things out by giving him that book. If Mayaka has read it too, there’s a good chance she might come to realize what the comic book collaborators are up to, if she could only figure out the connection. Maybe she and Houtarou need to take a closer look at that poster too.
Really surprised to see Satoshi give up so easily. He didn’t seem to notice the significance of that comic book. I think he may come to some interesting conclusions as Houtarou if he were to just read it. I wonder if he’ll get a chance to rebound with a vengeance next episode.
I wonder if the Comic Club senpai are collaborators too. I thought that Kaitou senpai might have been the artist but if it’s actually the School Prez….
I also liked the clothes and accessories Tomoe was wearing, very stylish and exotic, but i wonder why they never show her face, this has been bugging me for a long time .. why is she being singled out like that .. is she going to play a role in the final arc mystery so they are intentionally hiding her face or is there another reason !!?
I dont think she appears in the final arc, if I understand the synopsis of the last book correctly, it’s a story when they are second year students. I think she’s intended to be like Kakashi, a mystery never solved
I think the bigger question will be why was the sequel manga not published and I suspect it is related to the current dysfunctional manga club.
Off the top of my head, the original writer transferred out to another school. That would screw things up nicely, given that the project should be handled by students of the same school holding the festival. Also, she could have moved somewhere far away or maybe even overseas. There could have been some special circumstances around the transfer too.
I’m actually thinking that this whole “Jumonji stealing stuff from the festival” thing is a clever form of viral advertising for their upcoming doujin manga or something along those lines .. kinda like how the classics club wanted to use the festival events to advertise and sell their extra anthology copies.
I can be wrong of course .. since there are some gaps in this theory (obviously … the writer transferred from this school, when are they going to sell their manga if the festival is already nearing its end, what does stealing some items from some school clubs have to do with the subject/title of their upcoming manga “Kudryavka Order”).
That said, the manga writer can still be easily in contact with the old doujin manga team as their work is clearly not related to the manga club of the school, and they might show their doujin manga in the final day of the festival .. given the popularity that Jumonji garnered .. it will sell like hot cakes … also .. the whole stealing things from school clubs in a specific pattern might not be related directly to the story but might have some parallels related to it and thus is a good way to do viral advertising for the story/manga.
Sorry for the long rant but i got lost in my thoughts playing the devil’s advocate with my own theory XD
I have to say this is the first arc that I could spoil myself because it wasnt translated, so it’s the first one I get to try to solve.
These are the obvious clues that was shown and not said particularly. All the clubs hit by Jumonji are actually all listed on the last page of the festival guide, including Koten bu which Satoshi said himself inserted because he is also part of the General Affairs committee. On the list, there were no club with ku start, instead the brass instrument club is mixed in. The general affairs committee’s president is also good friends with the student council president.
Hyouka just loves word play in its mysteries as well.
Ajimu Takuha
Anjo Haruna is the writer, and Kugayama Muneyoshi is the character artist, then who wrote the afterwords, essential puts out a prediction and did the background?
if Bakuman naming convention can be borrowed, and you take part of the creative group’s name and rearrange and combine into a pen name
A Ji Mu Ta Ku Ha
A n ji o Ha Ru Na
Ku Ga Ya Ma Mu Ne Yo Shi
A and Ha can be taken from Anjo Haruna, Mu and Ku from Kugayama Muneyoshi, and assuming they didnt take Ji from Anjo, you’re left with the syllables Ji and Ta.
Kouchi Ayako, the senpai leading the vocaloids, does not fit, neither does Yuasa Shoko, president of manga club. That leave one other suspect, the guy that knows Kugayama can draw, Tanabe Jiro(Ta Na be Ji Ro).
This doesnt really say he definitely did all the stealing himself, but he definitely orchestrated the whole thing, as of exactly why he uses the word lost and why he does so without an actual work to promote is still beyond me
I wonder if there’s a meaning to “kudryavka” and it’s order too. Is it referring to Laika, the first dog in space? I wonder if there’s some gloomy meaning to the writer of the “corpse by evening” doujinshi that transferred out.
Not sure if this is relevant but there’s a vocaloid song about “Kudryavka”.
Is it referring to Laika, the first dog in space?
Yes it is, it was mentioned in this episode.