The seemingly impossible has happened: someone actually eclipsed Sasuke in terms of eccentricity. This entire episode was dedicated to Date Masamune. And dear god. When you thought that his version of Sengoku Basara was exaggerated, you haven’t seen anything yet.
This guy was hilarious, but in particular when in the vicinity of Sasuke himself. It’s amazing how well these crazed idiots managed to play off each other. As for Sasuke, I guess that last week, his voice actor had some sort of cold or something, because here his voice was back to normal. It remains very strange to suddenly have a different voice for just one episode. That was the first time in which I actually noticed something like that.
Rikyuu meanwhile… oh my god. Just when I thought he was done with his character development, the creators put an extra notch to it.
Rating: *** (Awesome)]]>