Hyouge Mono – 29

Is Sasuke seriously walking around the battlefield with a bunch of wooden bars tied behind his back, out of fear of being shot in the back? Seriously, I know that Warfare isn’t the main focus in this series, but the tactical ideas that spring forth from the minds of these characters are just brilliant. It’s been a while since dropping giant logs on your enemies was such an effective weapon. The best one though still stems from a number of episodes ago, with Hideyoshi’s brilliant plan to build the front of a house on top of a hill to scare away his enemies. Also, there are a lot of things that this show does really well. The one that really stood out though, was the way it handles its death scenes. They’re all incredibly well acted and delivered, although we hadn’t seen one recently. This episode however… holy crap, they did it again. First of all at this point I did not expect the person in question to die, but also the way in which Bee-Train delivered it was incredibly well done. It is unfortunately getting clear that the budget is running out. Or at least, this episode had quite a few rushed shots. I guess that it’s inevitable due to this series’ length and the way that this is a series that under any other producer never would have been green-lighted, but I do hope that the creators can keep at least their standards going. At the very least there are some really talented artists working on this show that can really draw its character models with a ton of details and shadows. Rating: *** (Awesome)]]>

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