What is it with this show and suddenly changing characters’ haircuts for one episode?! I mean, seriously: first we had Hashiba Hideyoshi and Sasuke who both went bald for just one episode, and now that bald monk suddenly grew hair… only to shave it off again. I have been watching anime for too long. Hair isn’t supposed to change! *har har*
In any case, the sudden debut of new soundtracks, along with the introduction of armors again after god knows how many episodes are really telling me that the creators have interesting things planned for the final parts of this series. Heck, it was quite interesting to just ignore the warfare aspect of this series, just to focus on character development and esthetics, only to switch back again to the warfare that made the first 15 episodes so addictive. And unlike shounen series who try this, it had plenty of interesting stuff to replace it with.
Oh, and it seems that the characters haven’t stopped changing at all. Sasuke completely freaked out in this episode (being a daimyou probably made him a bit more wary about warfare than what hhe used to be). Oh, and Sennou Soueki’s new mansion. love how much creativity was put in the structures.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
Where do u get subs for this ? I tried watching the raws but its not easy to follow