This series is starting to turn into a parody on post-modernism. Furuta Sasuke once again delivers a crazy set-up to hold a tea ceremony, dressing like a cavemen with people playing drums in the background. Indeed, here he took the beauty of poverty and simplicity way overboard, and it looked like a bad play or something (just as like how we nowadays like to dress up like historical figures and professions).
Then there was the old man, Sennou Soueki’s brother. Seriously, who was that old hag who he brought with him? It was a hilarious scene, especially with how she had an implied crush on the tea master. The strange thing is that usually in anime, the oldies are meant to be the veterans, whose part is to step back and let the young ones stand in the spotlights. Here though, they’re completely dancing around and manipulating the main cast.
Also, Sasuke’s son is actually growing up! Seriously, having a kid is already one thing, but this kid takes it much further than usual by being so normal. He has no importance to the plot, and seems to be quite a generic character who is too lazy to do something of his own at the moment. He really feels like this young brat who won’t listen to his father, without being a complete tsundere for it.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>