Hunter X Hunter Follow-Up

I’m probably going to piss off a lot of people with this post, but look: I’m getting tired of this. I’m in the need of some opinions. There are some very vocal Hunter X Hunter fans, but I also want to know what others have to say about this: do you still want me to blog this series? The thing is, that I’m not enjoying this in the slightest. It’s not just this series, but also the discussions that follow it and the people who all tell me that I’m talking about this series in the wrong way. For the past half year, I feel like I have been trying way too much to please everyone, and I reached my limit here.

It may seem strange, but yes, I have been trying to hold myself with my criticisms for Hunter X Hunter. I realized that today. The way I went on nit-picking: that’s something common for people who don’t like a series but can’t actually explain why they don’t like it. For the past half year I just kept on dodging the entire issue in an attempt to try and please everyone, but I’ll just say it here: my opinion of this adaptation of Hunter X Hunter is that it lacks soul. I can’t get into this series. I can’t enjoy this series in the way I did with the 1999 series due to how the story, music and animation don’t come together. I don’t care if there is CG or how the animation is never off-model: the animation doesn’t evoke anything from me, unlike the first series, which did look very crappy, but put emphasis where it needed to. Who cares if the 1999 series dragged; it had a ton more emotion oozing from every part. Who cares if it wasn’t faithful to the manga: it had its own story and it worked incredibly well.

So, now that I got that off my chest, what’s next: do you people want me to continue blogging this series with this mindset, or are there people not interested in reading that? I’m not going to try and be nice to this series anymore unless it really deserves it, because I’ve pretty much been forced to watch a recap (including two recap episodes) for more than half a year now. That is not how I enjoy anime. In the end, this remains a personal blog about my own experiences, and with this series, I’ve gotten tired of trying to be politically correct.

However, if I am going to drop it, it’ll be dropped forever. I’m not going to pick it back up even when we get to the yorkshin arc or the chimera ant arc. This series had its chances to impress me, but it went on for way too long without impressing me. So, what do you say?

117 thoughts on “Hunter X Hunter Follow-Up

  1. My vote goes to dropping it. If you’re not enjoying it, you shouldn’t have to blog it. Simple as that.

    1. I second this opinion, I dropped it long ago and I am a HUGE HxH fan, but unlike fans of Anime, I know when my show that I like is bad, and have no problem if people think it is bad too(i.e. I dont get offended when someone thinks the show I like or dislike but I’m still a fan of is crap). I think you should drop it. No use stressing yourself out over a cartoon!

  2. I agree with previous coment. No need to be so aggravated. Do whatever YOU want. Its YOUR personal blog. Its not your duty/obligation to appease the masses (coz thats simply impossible). Simple as that.

  3. I’m not even watching HxH but I think you should drop it if you really feel this way about it. I’m the type to rarely ever drop an anime, but I obviously hold a different philosophy to entertainment than you, not to mention I have a lot more free time on top of only watching 1-3 anime at one time.

    I’d often say to someone who doesn’t like an anime, “Watch a few more episodes, it gets better!” But that’s usually for the first 2-3 episodes, with perhaps an allowance of 4-6 episodes for longer anime. You’ve already seen 26 episodes of HxH, and that should be quite enough to gauge whether you should continue watching or not.

  4. Drop it. It’s way over due. If you’re finding reviewing the anime a chore, it’s better to drop it now before you hate it all together.

  5. I’ve been following your blog for a while, first time poster.

    I enjoy your posts because you remain true to who you are.

    If you look at most writers and artists they write to keep themselves happy because once they start pandering to the fans they lose track of what makes them different and relevant. This is a passion blog and if it seems like a chore to write it becomes a job and this blog I love will no longer exist.

    Do things because you enjoy them. Thanks for doing what you do.

  6. Drop it. It might be worth a look in after or if they ever hit new material. I myself wonder why they even bothered to redo it. They didn’t outdo the old one period. Heck the filler they put it was really good.

  7. As someone who has never experienced the franchise before, and routinely follows most of what you write here, I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts on the series-including when you compare it to the 1999 adaptation. A lot of the reaction, positive and negative, from people who were already fans tends to get. . .overzealous. Your stance has always proven to be refreshing when I get tired of trying to follow the threads on various forums, which often descend into fights and people discounting one adaptation or the other completely.

    However, it amazes me that you have a full time job and still have the energy/time to write so much about anime every season. Personally I haven’t often felt like contributing to anime discussions since I started taking on more IRL responsibilities. You’ve also already consumed one incarnation of the story, and though there are exceptions, not a lot of stories can be enjoyed multiple times within the space of a few years.

    I do think you’re reeling a bit after yet another recap episode, but if blogging the series isn’t enhancing your enjoyment, then I’d rather see you spend more time on viewing and writing about things you prefer.

  8. Drop i before you lose interest in anime reviewing altogether!
    at least thats what I would do if I were you 🙂

  9. My vote goes for dropping it, though I like reading your posts since you pick up so many details when comparing the two and I usually agree with your opinions.

    I’m watching it again and not enjoying the series, though I still watch it as a huge fan. It’s not because it’s not the same as the original but because I wholeheartedly agree with you that it has no soul. I’m not seeing any of the emotions to give reasons for the bonds which made the 1999 HxH so excellent.

  10. You should only blog what you enjoy =) If you blog something you don’t enjoy, you’ll burn yourself out. If you’d like to drop it, then drop it.

  11. Please continue. I have seen the old version and i would like to see your thoughts on the new series and also the HxH will probably continue beyond the old one so there is new territory for you to look for.

  12. Just drop it. I did a half-dozen episodes ago for similar reasons. At least that will give you an opening to watch something else you might actually like.

  13. You should continue analyzing the series. IMO it was a mistake to pander to people who simply can’t take the criticism. If the discussion on the reviews gets nasty, just don’t feel the need to be too emotionally involved and either ignore/dismiss the criticism if it is unreasonable and/or obviously prejudicial or take the time to address it if the criticism actually has a pinprick of substance to it.

    I also think – being a little selfish here – that a lot of people are very interested to see how the new series tackles Heaven’s Arena (particularly the Kastro fight) and perhaps even more interested in York Shin. It would be nice if you could share your views on how the new adaptation treats the subject matter.

    So how about setting a resolution? Continue with the episode reviews until the conclusion of the Kastro fight, then ask yourself if you still want to continue. Who knows, it might turn out to be pretty fun.

  14. Drop it. It’s incredibly stupid to blog a series you have no interest in. There’s no point disapproving of something for such petty reasons when you could drop the matter entirely.

  15. Drop it. You’ve given it a chance, there’s no point in writing out a hundred times why you don’t like something.

  16. “[…]this adaptation of Hunter X Hunter […]lacks soul.”


    Look, I have greatly enjoyed reading your opinion about each episode, and personally I would like you to continue. What you shouldn’t be doing however, is trying to please someone other than yourself. If you continue to blog this series, don’t hold back, don’t try to sweeten your opinion, don’t force yourself to make up excuses for poor direction.

    Oh, and don’t read the comment section. People who write comments telling you how and what to do are nuts.

  17. You should do what you want to do. In first place I think that aggressive selfish and uneducated “fans” like Kevin in the previous HxH tread should be kicked away forever, but your site doesn’t support any type of user banning. I don’t really understand how have you been able to bear with that kind of selfish idiot for so long, your opinion is yours and a review is only valid if you can freely state it.

    I’m not an HxH fan, but you asked for opinions from everyone. I don’t usually read your HxH reviews, I don’t care about HxH and wouldn’t care at all if you stopped reviewing it. I think if you aren’t enjoying reviewing HxH you should drop it forever.

  18. Woah, never thought I would see the day… Anyway, drop it. I’m surprised you have kept it for so long.

  19. I think that your best option is to not blog the series for awhile. Until it reaches past the recap from the 1999 series in into new content, which you haven’t scene before. This way I think you would enjoy it more, the way it was meant to be watched. I myself have never watched the 1999 series and find my self enjoying this series a lot more then people who have already scene it (despite the 2 recap episodes). I’m not saying you should stop the series all together, but I think taking a break would make sense at this point.

  20. I’m just going to outright say that this revisionist perspective that the 1999 series wasn’t true to the original manga is a fiction that has become much too out of hand–for I blame that fiction for spurring some of the unwarranted criticisms that have been levelled at you.

    Regardless of where Furuhashi apportioned his emphases, the 1999 series does NOTHING that sullies Togashi’s vision; and regardless of wherever commentators may point to in the manga–may that be Gon’s approach to capturing Hisoka’s badge; Zepile’s appraisal of Gon; Melereon’s appraisal of Gon; or what have you–there is NOTHING–ABSOLUTELY NOTHING–in the 1999 series nor its OVA successors that misconceives Gon’s character or anyone else’s. To say that they misinterpret Gon or his compatriots evinces a superficial reading of Furuhashi’s grasp of the show that betrays a willingness to “read into” Togashi’s work but not that of Furuhashi’s–something that I can no longer countenance.

    The original series engenders nothing in Gon’s character that couldn’t be reconciled with the manga if the original adaptation had continued–and that’s because there is critically little that is omitted as regards Gon when the manga was translated onto television. No matter how much one might wish to say Gon is a “Mary Sue” in the original series or that he is erroneously whiter than white, it cannot be ignored that he still embodies all the selfishness of his manga counterpart: he still deceives Wing to get back to training sooner; he’s still manipulative in his own subtle way by dishing out false or empty apologies; he still sacrifices Agon even if he doesn’t deem him “prey” to Hisoka outright; and he still makes up his mind pretty darn quickly that nowt can be done to save the group that falls victim to Genthru’s plot. Furuhashi and his successors may give Gon a pleasant facade–but that’s not at all at odds with how Togashi presents him himself: the anime’s reading of Gon is a perfectly valid reading of this nebulous manga character; and there is nothing–absolutely NOTHING–that confirms an invalid conception of Gon in the eyes of these erstwhile directors. The same holds absolutely true of Kurapika following his killing of Uvo or Pakunoda: some will no doubt insist that Furuhashi apportioned a grief to his manoeuvres that Togashi did not intend, but there is nothing that Furuhashi portrays that points to Kurapika’s malaise after his killings to NOT be the curse of Uvo and Pakunoda’s reinforced Nen after death rather than mere grief. In fact, Matsushita does a pretty remarkable job of underscoring that this is PRECISELY what Furuhashi–or, more specifically, writer Kishima–intended, as there is some very adept screenplay that intimates the likely correct cause of Kurapika’s woes. That Kurapika breaks down after killing Uvogin need not be interpreted as despair, but as the immediate onset of the curse of Uvo’s reinforced Nen. If detractors didn’t exhibit such alacrity in endeavouring to undermine the 1999 series–and instead approached it with the same care and attention as they do the manga–they could investigate it more deeply and at the very least appreciate that it is an intensely thoughtful adaptation of the original manga. How better to engender in the viewer a sense of Gon’s innate oneness with nature and the outdoors than by making the viewer feel the same thing with beautiful, naturalistic backdrops and rustic colours? And how better to emphasise HUNTERxHUNTER’s focus on the cognitive than by creating a soundtrack that illumines thought. The 1999 series has a surplus of searching ditties that put prognostication in the foreground–something that the 2011 fails to capitalise on by supplying a soundtrack that flouts nuance in favour of too sweeping and broad a soundtrack–one that exhibits none of the nuance and appreciation for pensiveness that the 1999 series enjoyed. Today, we are lumbered with a soundtrack that it is at odds with HUNTER’s most binding attributes: its reserve. Whatever aspersions one might level at Furuhashi or his writers–aspersions that are probably quite popular in light of his treatment of the Rurouni Kenshin’s OVAs–as far as HxH is concerned, they are not at all warranted. Far from being a heterodox reading of the HUNTERxHUNTER manga, I’m going to insist that it’s actually the most intricate, sensitive, considered and pored over adaptations of a Shonen Jump manga that could ever exist: it captures the spirit of the manga with a proficiency that could only be accomplished by a director with the requisite expertise–and whatever one may think of him, it is incontrovertible that Furuhashi had that expertise.

    Psgels, that you have been driven–quite justifiably, I add–to considering quitting by those who feel this new adaptation is in any way a truer encapsulation of Togashi’s opus than the 1999 series and therefore worthy of little in the way of nitpicking makes me furious. I wish only for you to do what it is you wish to do–but that you should be quitting, even if only in part, because of remarks from comments that suggest that this new series is a truer adaptation of Togashi’s work makes me genuinely–and I mean this so very strongly–sick to the core. Having been given what has been recognised critically to be a genuinely positive show with the original HUNTERxHUNTER, it is only fair that we should be able to criticise this new series–no matter how true it is to the manga–because, as it stands, comparisons between the two is completely justified.

    1. It’s long-winded and overcritical rants such as these that make me loathe to dare to disagree with any commentator on this blog.

      It would be very hard to find a person who would honestly say you weren’t looking through rose-tinted glasses in concern to the 1999 series, and believe me when I say – it does not hold up to scrutiny it receives, in regards to both its character portrayal and overall adapting of the source manga. That’s not to say that the original series isn’t good, just that the new series is a more faithful adaptation, and this stands true whether you think the soundtrack is misplaced or mischosen or whatever it is you want to tell yourself.

      1. I have proffered a couple of valid reasons as to why the renditions of the characters in the 1999 series are not as unfaithful to their manga counterparts as many would claim; and whether I have communicated those reasons in a long-winded disquisition or not, this should not render those reasons any less valid.

        I have laid down a very fervent screed on the 1999 piece in order to illustrate, as critically as I can, that a number of the misgivings detractors are espousing vis-a-vis the 1999 are not altogether warranted. I have mulled over the matter in my head for a good while now; I cannot disinter any persuasive argument that Furuhashi or Kishima have bowdlerised Togashi’s work to the point of making the characters in each work incompatible with each other; it is with that point that I take issue. I have pored over the manga and the first anime and considered both as carefully as I can–and it is in light of that that I do not accept the argument that the 1999 does not hold up to scrutiny. I have made a judgement based on the findings of both myself and others as far as that is concerned, at least. I suggest that the original series does not sully the feel of the original characters–for some of the reasons that I outlined above–though its suggestions admittedly may lead others to deem it unworthy in its rendition in light of their own readings of the characters. However, the 1999 series does nothing that would render forthcoming character traits in the manga incompatible with how the anime characters had blossomed.

        I do not think it is fair to dismiss my appraisal outright with the concept of rose-tinted spectacles–I feel that is no worthy discredit to what I have provided. if my delivery comes across as flowery, I would deem the exaggerated cynicism a necessary critical analysis to the counterbalance the emerging discourse that the 1999 series is flawed in its appreciation of its characters and the manga’s spirit–something that I do not believe is accurate.

        To clarify a last point: I am not contending that the 2011 is not more proximate to the manga in some regards–it certainly is artistically and, in some instances, semantically–all I wish to dispel is the prevailing illusion that the 1999 series interferes with essential character elements and story traits, for I believe the director and writers have been very clever in maintaining the nebulousness with which Togashi approaches both.

        1. Again, there’s no need to be painfully verbose in your reply – it discourages debate.

          For whatever reason you feel the need to falsely embellish the 1999 series, I’ll never know – but you have brought up many arguable points. Many I do not feel need to be retorted.

          If I can give only few complaints as to what I think of the 1999 series; it’s terribly paced compared to the current series and often drags, departs from the manga frequently (most notably, the detraction from Togashi’s artwork)and *I* find that the characters are not honest to their manga counterparts. I don’t find the original series superior to the currently airing series as you may.

          But I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

          1. If I have come across as painfully verbose then I owe a very large apology: it was not my intention to come across as such. If I have stifled debate, then I regret that from the bottom of my heart; no matter how overzealous I get about the whole matter, I do value the myriad arguments the subject now enjoys.

            If I can do myself better credit by tempering what I’ve said, I would suggest that there really are some stunning backgrounds and set pieces in the show that warrant accolade. The dialogue between Gon, Killua and Wing near the end of episode 44 is a genuinely affectionate rendition of the scene and it typifies a care lavished on the show that I believe resonates throughout the majority of the series. I cannot agree that pointing to scenes such as these is falsely aggrandising what the show does very well. The same holds true for the music: it plainly doesn’t enjoy the production values of the 2011 series–and I throw my hands up and wholly confess that it genuinely nosedives in quality as far as new compositions are concerned even early as the onset of Yorknew–but the music is nonetheless diverse and very adept at complementing the focus on subtlety that I think resonates at the core of Togashi’s manga. The thing is, I think it’s totally valid to contend that the 1999 series doesn’t complement the manga characters–though I haven’t seen any reasons that have swayed my mind entirely on the matter–because I get the impression that Togashi is intentionally nebulous; he invites uncertain readings of his characters–and a lot is left to the implied, which the 1999 series is good at reflecting through its musical score and general direction.

            I actually rather share a few of your complaints as per the old series, mind: it’s a stinker as far as pacing is concerned at the start. If my view differs from yours on the matter, it would be that I become a lot more content with the pace pursuant to episode 30–and if not there, then after episode 44, when I get the impression the anime staff were becoming more aware of the fact that Togashi’s scheduling wasn’t conducive to a long-running TV series, and paced the series more favourably to make do with OVAs afterwards.

            Apologies once again for the verbosity; I find this topic enthusing and I felt it needed a different perspective. I owe psgels an apology for airing my views–some unrelated to the matter at hand–here, as well.

    2. yeah a bit long but I think you sorta hit it right on the head of the nail. I did give the new show every chance to be better or at least as good as the first anime. For me it just isn’t working no matter how true to the manga it is. The older version gave me the chills and I’d still watch it. Unlike the new show- it’s spin isn’t as good to me, the pacing and music just have too many little flaws that take away from the anime

  21. If you don’t mind me asking, does your dislike stem from the series itself,from all the backlash from commenters, or from both? I mean, if there remains any interest or lingering affection for the 2011 rendition of HunterxHunter, I believe you should continue. You don’t have to cater to the angry commenters. Review it the way you believe it should be reviewed, because honestly, those people should also understand that you haven’t read the manga and also have a different view/interpretation of things.However, if reviewing this series has become more of an obligation then a pleasure due to the content itself, you should probably drop it.

  22. If you don’t enjoying this show any more just dropped. Better try of new series place or forced than watch.

  23. Just drop it already like some of us suggested you to do before. 80% of your posts is about the old series and what it did rather than what this series is trying to accomplish. The other 20% is a bunch of inane nitpicks about stuff you automatically assume it did wrong because you never gave a shit to read the original and hold the first series on a pedestal.

    Personally, I find this extremely grating, no matter how good the previous series was. I watched it, I loved it. It’s a remake with better pacing, it’s not the 1999 series. Get over it already.

    It’s pissing a lot of people off, it’s annoying you and it makes for a boring read. Instead of commenting what’s happening, you always start a stupid comparison game that very few care about. Or whine about x filler not being there when everyone knows the old series took liberties by making stuff up at times. I’ve rarely been this annoyed before and I’m not even that big a fan of HxH.

    You should have dropped it a long time ago. Just pick it back up once new material comes up.

  24. If you are going to stop blogging this series forever, then DON’T drop it. You can write whatever you want in your blog. If people don’t like it, then you shouldn’t mind.
    I recommend stop watching the series until the Chimera Ant arc. Then marathon all the episodes you haven’t watched. This is the type of show it is better to watch one episode per day rather than one per week. Maybe you should write a review comparing both series up to that point. I really want to read your opinion about the Chimera Ant arc, so don’t stop blogging it forever.

  25. I think people should respect whatever they read in this blog whether its good or bad. We all have a right to our opinions yes? It probably all boils down to what’s the whole purpose of blogging. If its for the sake of voicing out your own opinion then I say, continue blogging. If its to convince other people what they should and shouldn’t watch, then I say drop it.

    I’m really thankful for this blog, I’ve been using it as a guide myself, in the end I still decide which ones I’ll watch or not.

  26. I haven’t seen HxH and I’m not a fan, but I think you should do what you want to do, without depending on some crazy fans opinion. I mean, we all read your blog because we like you, the way you write, the way you stay true to yourself and how you take seriously your reviews. If someone does not like that, no one will force him/her to read the blog… so people who post aggresive comments probably don’t have much to do with their free time… That said, if you don’t wanna keep blogging it, stop doing so :3 only if that is what you really want. I really enjoy reading your reviews, and thanks to them I have found jems in anime that otherwise I would have never watched. I’m really thankful to you and your blog 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  27. Here’s another vote to continue. I always enjoy your reviews, even if I don’t always agree, and dropping this series before it even reaches the good part… just because of asshole commenters … It’s not a bad series by any means, you’ve always rated it high in your monthly summaries. You don’t enjoy it as much as the old series, but you’ve always seemed to enjoy reviewing it. I like your comparisons, and you can hardly avoid them.

    Criticize it all you want. You shouldn’t have to pander to anyone ever; if people disagree it will be naturally voiced, but you should never take it personally.

    If you like you can stop blogging it for a while, until it gets interesting, but please don’t drop it entirely.

  28. You don’t enjoy it and it shows in your writing. I suggest you drop it and spend time and energy on series that truly motivate you.

    I watch HxH and enjoy it. I haven’t seen the previous series, but I read the manga. I find your review comparing the current series with the previous fair enough. I can understand that your point of view is not the same as mine due to the difference of experience. But trying to find positive elements or refraining from slashing the whole thing, week after week, must be tiring. When I read your reviews of this show, I feel your conflicted mind all over.

    I want you to enjoy what you do because I really appreciate the work you do on this blog. I don’t always agree 100% with your reviews, but I always find them truly insightful.

  29. the 1999 was an excellent adaptation with quality,the 2011 one is a mediocre anime with weak director
    you aren’t wrong

    -I hope that you keep blogging it and to hear your REAL opinion of the episode

  30. I’m not going to pick it back up even when we get to the yorkshin arc or the chimera ant arc.

    To be honest, I wouldn’t mind you not watching the series anymore even if it meant missing out on some of the best arcs in the manga. I’m just a little depressed that’s going to happen if you do drop this series (something that majority of the bloggers who picked this up and dropped it on the get go are going to be missing out as well). Oh well! Anyway I hope you find a series you actually enjoy blogging and watching! Kudos to your hard work. I myself find it difficult to blog every HxH episode due to the length and how I’ve already seen it before. I feel like I can’t contribute useful insights to readers that way.

  31. First time poster here. (Though I’ve been enjoying your blog for almost three years now.) Of all those anime blogs out there yours definitely is the best. I mostly agree with your opinion and I’ve learned that the series you like are the series I like, with only a few exceptions. By now, I’m choosing the series I watch mainly based on your first impressions and episode summaries. And I’ve never been disappointed all this time. Thank you for your hard work! ^^

    The new HxH … well. I liked the old series. Like you, I tried to give the new series a chance, though after the first set of episodes I knew I’d dislike it. To childish, abominable soundtrack and too much goofing around. And every week I thought, well, psgels is still into it, so at least give this episode a try. To make it short – even if you would have kept blogging this series, this last episode definitely would have been the last for me. Never seen something that bad. I can fully empathize with you. Maybe I’ll tune in again when new material will be featured, but I highly doubt it after this.

    Please feel free to drop it. Aside from that, it’s your site and you decide what series you blog, right? ^^ Though I really appreciate your way of interacting with your readers.

    I’m really a big fan of your opinion and your expert knowledge and I’m looking forward to the next years! Again, thank you!

  32. tbh… I’d like you to continue. I like reading your opinion about this remake (especially in contrast of the old one). But I’d want you to do it your way.

    But like you said… this is your personal blog. If you don’t want to blog it, then just don’t. I mean why are you blogging (it) anyway?

    You do this for fun right? In your own free time right?

  33. Even I often disagree about your evaluation about this series, I still think you have a very interesting point of view about HxH.

    It is you who decide, but if you can continue blogging this, I would certainly love it.

  34. I actually agree with you psgels. The new series lacks depth and emotion whereas the old one really had it all. This new one is just generic and lacking. It’s a lot like FMA and FMAB where, FMAB may have followed the manga better, but it failed to live up to the original adaption in depth and emotion. It’s just not there. The music is terribly misplaced, etc..

    You have a lot of commentators who are doing nothing but bitching and I think rather than put up with it you should block them. This is your blog, you blog the way you want to, and if they don’t like it then they can simply go else where. You should not have to fake a review just to please idiot commentators.

  35. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t blog it. It’s a popular comic and it might be one of these long runners, and if you don’t like it now you’re probably not going to like it more down the road.

    (I enjoy the hell out of it myself, and I think it beats the 99 version by a mile).

  36. Do you know why people go to your blog? You provide people with the most un-biased opinions on anime possible and in a professional way. You have things like First Impressions, Summaries, and Year End Reviews its amazing. I don’t agree with you on every post you make. I thought you rated Milky Holmes a little high but ill tell you what, i respect the shit out of you for your opinion regardless. I think your insight on anime is the best and before i begin watching any anime i always check your blog to see what you gave it as a review.

    Keep blogging HxH, people might not agree with you but they respect your opinion. And if they don’t then they do not understand how to review anime objectively.

  37. From the one of the many fans of your blog who don’t watch HxH, please do as you wish. If HxH gets in the way of you watching anime that you want to watch and you don’t enjoy watching it or writing the reviews, you should not feel guilty AT ALL for dropping it. As many others have already said, it is your blog.

    I would just hate for a situation to develop where you get sick of blogging anime because of trolls criticizing your perspective on HxH.

    I greatly admire your work and appreciate your reviews.

    Thank you for making and continuing to work on this great blog!

  38. Even though I am one of those who doesn’t agree with you HxH reviews a lot, I still like to read them.
    So, obviously, I would like you to continue reviewing HxH, as everyone who’s been commenting does, that’s the truth. The simple fact they are commenting is proof, even if some don’t realize it.

    Now, our personal desires aside, you either want to blog it or not. You either like to blog it or not. So, it’s your decision.

    I’m only going to suggest that you first think of a way to blog it, in a way you like it, as you said, without being “politicaly correct” or something else. Do it the way you want.

    If you do, all the better. If not, drop it, blogging something you don’t want to, will only get worse.

    Good luck with your decision 🙂

  39. I honestly think you should drop a series you seem to dislike so much. Don’t blog something that will be a chore for you.

  40. Drop it, I think those who really liked this series up to now will still watch this show.

    But still thanks for the time you gave to us by blogging this series..

    Now onward to the spring series ^^

  41. If it’s causing you this level of anguish then I’d say drop it; it’s not worth it. But I have to admit, there’s a part of me that wants to see you go completely negative towards a series you dislike. So I guess I’d say either go all out and write how you feel or drop it and pick up a series you’d enjoy writing about more.

  42. Quit blogging it but continue watching. When the series end, just write a (short) review about the whole thing.

  43. “In the end, this remains a personal blog about my own experiences, and with this series, I’ve gotten tired of trying to be politically correct. ”

    This pretty much sums up what I think. This is your blog to write about what you want to write about. If you don’t want to write about something then don’t.

  44. This kind of reminds me of when you did Soul Eater a couple of years ago and it got to the point where you were struggling to put together episode reviews. Obviously the situation is different, but if you don’t enjoy it then it doesn’t make sense for you to continue blogging about it, especially if you feel that the show has gotten to the point where it’s painful for you to sit through it. The entire reason I follow your blog is because it’s an opinion blog– continuing with a series simply because fans demand isn’t part of your opinion, it’s just pressure. Drop it.

  45. I think what you aren’t enjoying comes from the criticisms that follow after each post. You always put Hunter x Hunter (2011) pretty high in rankings for your monthly reviews. It’s definitely okay to compare it with the original because that’s what everyone is doing as well. If you actually enjoy talking about it, I think it’s fine. However, if you don’t, then don’t try to please the readers. The point of having a blog is to express how you feel and not fake words up to make it marketable.

    I also like the previous version of Hunter x Hunter but find it amusing that you can nitpick on so many differences in the newer anime. It’s refreshing to read your posts but please do whatever you feel is best. You spend a lot of time reviewing all the other anime, good job =)

  46. drop it
    you make this site awesome and if you dont like to blog a show, just let it be and do an other one

  47. Drop it.
    If it’s a pain to watch, don’t bother.
    You should blog about shows you like to watch and you should write what you like or what pisses you off, plain and simple.
    I fully agree with your statement regarding the shortcomings of this new adaption and dropped it some time ago.

    In the end it’s a hobby, not a job.

  48. your choice. i personally prefer the original much better. stop if it’s a waste of your time. never make a hobby a burden.

  49. Hahaha, what’d i miss! I haven’t been reading you’re Hunter x Hunter blogs mainly because i’ve disagreed with your hating of the show. Maybe I’d hold the same passion for 1999 version if i’d seen it, but i have not. So i have pretty fresh eyes for this series and its really good thus far. Personally, i thought while you were being hard on the series, you where only being hard on it because you loved it, not because you where in pain watching it…which is kinda weird, but hey, to each their own…i guess >_>

    But seriously, you don’t have to blog everything you’re watching. When you blog about a show, you’re TRYING to find positives and faults, and when you’re lukewarm on a series, those faults start to become a focal point. We all do it. Like we may watch an anime that we thought was decent, but if you start to argue it with people, you’ll inevitably constantly bring up the negatives and grow more and more frustrated with what you just watched. I imagine that’s what happening here – but that’s just my guess. I would imagine that Guilty Crown would have seen a much worse rating had you scrutinized it and blogged about it every week.

    So, I would suggest just to watch the show for fun, at least at first. Get it away from the blog, stop trying to justify your ratings and just enjoy. And if you’re not enjoying, then drop it. I’m just thinking it would suck for the show to get pretty awesome later on, then you having to watch this whole thing for a 3rd time just to get to the good bits for you.

    Idk, whatever. You just do whatever. I generally enjoy your blog – you obviously know what you’re doing.

  50. This is your blog psgels XD Its nice enough that you would try to consider readers but again like everyone has emphasized this is YOUR blog – meaning we follow this because of your own choice. It doesn’t help that you don’t enjoy writing about it but even less replying to the more “vocal” fans. If its just going to bring negativity or hamper you from writing then its clear what your answer should be.

  51. To be honest, drop it. It’s not fun for you and it’s not really fun for the people who don’t like it when you critic too harshly. This remake isn’t to your taste and that’s fine, you shouldn’t have to force yourself to review it. I prefer to see you review some other show this season that you really care about then something that keeps you down. So yay, drop it for good 😉

  52. I think you should drop it. Maybe you would enjoy it more if you did not have to look through an analyst eyes. As for me I skip all the recap episodes of every series (My way of protesting). But I have been looking at this remake in the way I looked at fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. I don’t think the magic of the first series was there, but I still quite enjoy the characters and that particular world (Please FMA Brotherhood fans don’t get you panties in a knot, I was just stating my opinion).

  53. Its your blog! Maybe blog by episode batches instead of every episode? I enjoy reading your posts comparing with the 1999 since I tend to favor the original as well.

  54. I’m an avid follower of your blog, and an avid reader/viewer of Hunter x Hunter, and I must say:

    If you’re not liking it, drop it.

    What I will recommend though, if you haven’t already, is that you read the Manga instead. It’s like the anime but faster paced and with actual soul (though I believe the new anime has ENOUGH soul too).

  55. Can I vote for picking this series back up after Yorkshin Arc?
    IMO thats where the 1999’s quality diminished. I have high hopes for this studio’s production on those arcs.

    Also… are you still going to watch it at all?
    If yes, I’d like to pre-emptively call renag as the time will come when you decide again to blog this series >:D

    1. You may want to read up this entry again because it is stated clearly once he drops it this time around its going to be on the permanent drop list, which is why he was asking for opinions as to whether to continue or not (though at this point consensus is why bother if he just doesn’t like the show period).

      Moreover, I think your opinion regarding the Yorkshin arc varies too different from psgels that IMO you’d end up disappointed if he did cover that. Given that he was all praise for the Yorkshin arc of the 1999 whereas you find it the weakpoint, which I also find baffling since I would say that was the better adapter part. Especially since the manga quality greatly diminished during that part so that the liberties taken by the crew to transition scenes better – as well as the art – really was an improvement since this was the start of Togashi’s first hiatus as well dip in quality which we will see again at the end of Greed Island and the start of the Chimera Ants arc. It really is far too noticeable, unless you read the Volume release which did clean up the art but noticeably chapters were very sparse at around this point, not necessarily in a good way.

      1. I’m saying I dont believe him; that he WILL pick this up again at some point despite what this silly post asserts.

        Also in my first post my wording was vague and misleading. I meant that I’d like for psgels to start reblogging this series after (AFTER!!) Yorkshin Arc because that (greed island etc.) is where the original series starts to fall off (as an adaption?), and I seem to remember psgels feeling the same way. Thus, I’d like for him to blog this new series to see what it does BETTER than the old series at the point which the old series is at its worst.

        And for the record, the Yorkshin Arc was one of the most brilliant pieces of direction and storytelling in anime I have ever seen. I loved it and it really did a lot for me in my view towards anime overall and in a way as a guideline for the future.

  56. Well, to each his own, but I think I understand a little bit about how you feel. I don’t think you hate the new series, you’re quite tsundere to it in a strange way. But it isn’t easy to write when those people like this Kevin guy has to insult you every post when you have a different opinion.

    I like to read your opinion. I really do. You have a unique taste in anime, and I respect that, even though sometimes I really do disagree with what you post (Blood C- for example). But whenever you hate or love a serie, I always see a valid and clear reason for it. Therefore your post is always interesting to read, and I really enjoy your HxH’s blog.

    The blog is still, however, your anime blog. It is a hobby of you. If it caused you so much pressure, it’s not worth it. We want you to enjoy the thing you do, so that we could enjoy it too. So my suggestion is just drop the thing for now. If later arcs gives you enough chill to pick it up, however, why not?

    Have a nice day, psgels.

  57. I know it’s your blog, but I just want to give my two cents.

    Please, psgels, don’t drop it “forever”.

    I’m not saying this as a person with self-entitlement issue, but as a BIG fan of the series, not just the 1999 TV series, but also HxH as a whole. I might sound selfish, yes, but I don’t want anyone who used to liked the series become tired of it because some obnoxious fans, that honestly makes my heart ache, no matter how cheesy it sounds.

    And I know you said that if you’re going to drop it, you’ll drop it forever, but, hey, HxH is shounen series. They usually have arcs that’s just worse than others and they move with slower pacing and more to-the-point storyline than most other genre, maybe. I suggest you change your method of watching long-running shounen series, because, just like Soul Eater, you dropped it because they don’t bring interesting point to discuss or blogged about for you, I think it’s probably the same with this new HxH, especially because you’ve already watch the old one so you can’t help but compare these two. Really though, I DON’T MIND if you’re not going to review every episode per post (maybe per arc is better method?), heck I’m fine if you choose not to blog about the series at all, but at least, please please considering watching the new arcs, who knows what’ll happen, the series “might” have new soundtrack and better everything! Isn’t that sound interesting??!! You don’t even need to deal with those fans who always attack the way you review the anime because you finally can see it in entirely new light.

    If somehow when the new arcs come and it still disappoint you, then by all means you have every right to dropped it (I’m gonna do the same if it does come to it).

    You’re free to dismiss anything that I asked you to, I’m just a fan anyway.

    PS: sorry for any mistake in the choosing of words, English isn’t my 1st language.

  58. I’m a first-time poster as well. I don’t even watch HxH either. But I can tell you that this is your blog. You bought the domain, you write the material, and you organize everything here. We, your readers, are just here to spectate. If, for whatever reason, you suddenly want to start blogging about, say, Hollywood gossip instead of anime, so be it. Do whatever you want.

    Bottom line: If you want to drop it, drop it.

  59. I’d say wait for the Chimera Ant arc, that gives you about a year so then you can come back and see what you missed. But for now, drop it.

  60. This is my first time watching the series, so I’m enjoying your posts and critique, but if you’re not into it, seems like there are lots of other new shows airing this season you could cover instead!

  61. Well, I’d say “drop forever” but I remembered you don’t read mangas, therefore you’ll never know how good HxH will become. IMO you should drop by now, and then pick up after it’s complete. Watching in a row make things less painful in your case. Do not drop permanently.

    And i agree with you, this new season has no “soul”, unlike the 1999 anime and the manga.

  62. I certainly don’t always agree with what you have to say about this show, but for the most part I still enjoy reading what you have to say about it. In the end it is up to you on whether or not to continue it, but if my opinion counts for anything I’d say keep going. Maybe putting this on the kaleidoscope or something so you don’t have to blog it every week or holding off on it for now would be better for you, but I’d like to see your opinion on this series a bit further down the road.

    1. This. You don’t have to drop it forever. I agree that the current arc will be the most painful to sit too (and the next: Gon coming back to Whale Island). What I wish to see is the Yorkshin, Greed Island and the Chimera Ant arc.

      If you want to drop this thing from regular blogging go ahead. But do not drop “watching/following” the series. We would like to see this series on the monthly summaries or on the Kaleidoscope thingy.

      More power to your blog and I do hope you win the tourney again.

  63. I would have you drop HxH and pick up an extra show from the spring season or do a kaleidoscope. Screw the haters and do what you want. I enjoy reading posts about shows YOU enjoy; even if I don’t like the show, it’s painful to watch you bash it week after week. As many have said before, this is YOUR blog: we are simply guests in your home.

  64. Please DON’T drop this series forever.

    At first, I would have told you to drop it like the majority of the people here because, as you have already stated, you aren’t enjoying this series, even after watching 26 episodes.

    However, you do know that Hunter x Hunter gets better around Heaven’s Areana and even better around Yorkshin. Aren’t you at least curious as to how they will interpret these arcs in comparison?

    I’ll admit, there are things I really dislike about the 2011 series. For instance, the music placement, recaps, wasted time on pointless scenes e.g. the Pokemon montage we got in ep 5…yeah, you get the point. However, there are a number of things about this adaptation that I enjoyed more than the original series interpretation, for instance, in ep 25 when Killua was gauging Gon’s strength, I enjoyed that scene a lot more overall.

    Point being, even if you end up hating Madhouse’s interpretation completely, I would like to see your opinions on these upcoming arcs because whether I agree with your opinion or not, I enjoy reading an entire scope of opinions, good and bad.

    Anyway, I hope you get to read this before you make a final decision. Thank you for doing what you do!

    1. Just a quick note–the beginning of HxH is seemingly intended to be evocative of Pokemon. There are too many similarities between the two works for it to be just coincidence. However, Togashi’s intent with the series is to subvert reader expectations and shonen cliché. He perverts the concept and then takes it down an extremely dark road. HxH is a series that continually grows darker: in terms of both content and thematically.

  65. I say drop, don’t do it if you don’t like it. BUT, i would ask, if you do continue to WATCH the series, that when episodes start airing a year or so down the road that were not part of the 1999 series/greed island, that you at least *think* about writing something again:)

  66. Psgels has proven himself to be not only incredibly unprofessional but also incapable of providing quality reviews. He has always taken the easy way out in his reviews of the series and unfairly compared it in negative light to the older series. It doesnt lack soul, it just has an entirely different soul altogether. It is noones fault but your own psgels because you simply could not give this series a fair go. Instead you looked at it with insurmountable expectations and a hint if bitterness. Your reviews of HxH have been nothing but a downright travesty since day one. You can do much better work than this but because you couldnt pull your head out of you own ass you have not only damaged the reputation of yourself and your site but also destroyed any level of credibility your writings ever had. What a sad pathetic state you have become. Drop this because your ‘reviews’ arent even reviews they are just disgruntled ramblings from a bitter pathetic individual who has lost all sight of what constitutes reviewing. It makes me sick to my stomach how far you have fallen psgels.

    1. lol
      i wonder how often you get sick in this world compared to many things that happens just in one minute…. you really are overreacting…it’s just an anime reviewer blogger… xD

      psgels just drop it…

      nothing good comes from something you really don’t like… and yeah… you have your reasons…and

    2. Kevin, why are you still here even though you disapprove of his reviews so much? Just go find some other blog that isn’t “pathetic” or makes you “sick to your stomach.” Do you have nothing better to do than dis psgels?

    3. Kevin, if you haven’t noticed, pretty much everyone here hates you at this point, precisely because of this style of commenting you display here. If you don’t like his reviews, find a different blog.

      It’s nice that you’re honest, but please realize that not everyone agrees with your opinion.

      1. I couldnt care less if they agreed with me or not. In my opinion psgels has not given this series a fair go and im not the only one who thinks that. He has taken every opportunity to spit on this series and its nothing but counterproductive. If he doesnt like it, give real reasons. The problem i and many others have had is that he never provides any support to his arguments against this series other than what always boils down to ’99 is better just because lol’

        I mean come on when your complaining that it doesnt have the same filler as the old series surely hes got a screw loose. That is not a fair way to review and myself and many others have lost respect for his blog and his opinion.

        1. “That is not a fair way to review and myself and many others have lost respect for his blog and his opinion.”

          -Exactly “who” lost respect for this blog and his opinion? From what I’m reading, lots of people like “Knuckle, Trass, hikaru” and many others disagree with his reviews about HxH but still enjoys reading his reviews. From what I understand, we respect his opinions, unlike you. Since you gather so much “hate” from people, and personally dislike psgel’s blog, why are you still sticking your nose around here?

          “Psgels has proven himself to be not only incredibly unprofessional but also incapable of providing quality reviews. He has always taken the easy way out in his reviews of the series and unfairly compared it in negative light to the older series. ”

          -Can you get it through your head that he doesn’t read the manga? “unprofessional and incapable quality review”? Are you jealous or something? Why don’t you make a blog yourself. Stop trying to ruin someone else blog. Here is a question for you: If his blog and reviews is bad as you say, why do people from many other blog sites plagiarized his reviews? Can you please go away and never return? Maybe you are so bitter because you “tried” to make a blog but it failed miserably? Everyone have the right to free speech but that does not mean you can abuse it by being rude and an idiot. I find you to be really offensive. Just disappear somewhere please.

          [note: I just casually scroll down the comments looking for names that mention they disagree with HxH reviews but still enjoys reading psgel’s comments. I am sorry if you did not want me to use you as an example.]

  67. It’s your blog; if you don’t want to blog the series anymore, then don’t do it. The peanut gallery will always tell you how to do your job regardless of what you have to say about a series. Fans get invested.

    Personally, I think that you should continue. The Heavens Arena arc should be a different experience than it was in 1999. Though many plot details remain the same, much of the nuance was lost in the adaptation.

    It should also start to become clearer what direction the series intends to take with Gon. You will start to perceive a transformation. Gon, whom has been fairly nonviolent and kind thus far in the series, gets a taste of power for the first time in his life. His fight with the spinning top guy in particular should have a different tone than it did in 1999.

    1. I should clarify though–the reason why I’ve raised issues with some of your prior posts is because you typically don’t seem to let this series stand on its own when reviewing it.

      Often, your reviews boil down to describing what scenes you liked better in each version (often neglecting content) rather than truly discussing the differences between them. I don’t entirely mind that you compare, but you’ve also admitted to rarely returning to the old series to watch and consider the material. It became clear to readers that you weren’t necessarily remembering things accurately in your post for episode 22.

      If you didn’t like the show to begin with, you didn’t have to blog it. I read your reviews every week. If you dislike it so much, then you don’t need to watch the show. But in all honesty, you’ll be missing out on one of the best animated series currently airing in Japan. And it only gets better.

    2. “Personally, I think that you should continue. The Heavens Arena arc should be a different experience than it was in 1999. Though many plot details remain the same, much of the nuance was lost in the adaptation.”

      Do you enjoy making things up or something? =.= Unless you considered the Kastro fight to be a “nuance”.

      And…HxH and Pokemon? What?

      “It should also start to become clearer what direction the series intends to take with Gon. You will start to perceive a transformation. Gon, whom has been fairly nonviolent and kind thus far in the series, gets a taste of power for the first time in his life. His fight with the spinning top guy in particular should have a different tone than it did in 1999.”

      No it wouldn’t. The 1999 portrayal of top guy wasn’t different from the manga in any meaningful way.

      I think i’m beginning to see where you’re coming from. You come up with strained “interpretations” of certain things and you are supportive of 2011 HxH because it fits within the interpretation. The childlike Gon relative to the more mature Gon acts to lend credence to your analysis. Or so you think.

      But the problem people have with 2011 Gon is not that he is nonviolent and kind. It’s the fact that the way he responds doesn’t make sense, to the extent that his character becomes no more than a device, sorta like characters in American slapstick comedy shows, where the cast acts as a vehicle for the humor rather than an actual person – and the audience isn’t expected to take them, or the show seriously. This is a great disservice to HxH.

      So what is the device that Gon acts as in 2011 HxH? He’s a kid, so the kids who watch the show can play relate, aspire, and play the fantasy. He comes up with interesting solutions to difficult problems. And that’s basically it. He’s a vehicle for the problem solving. Hence the “AHA!” music that is his theme.

      But the thing you have to understand is that 1999 Gon was sweet, innocent and exhibited childlike characteristics as well. It’s just that the innocence was blended better with his other characteristics (determination, strong moral principles etc.)

      1. “Do you enjoy making things up or something? =.= Unless you considered the Kastro fight to be a “nuance”.”

        No. I truly believe what I’ve written. A lot of it has to do with the organization of the arc, but there were some pretty big details from the manga missed by the creators of the 1999 series. Not to say that it’s necessarily a bad thing for the show, but I personally believe Hunter x Hunter is much more interesting with those elements added in. They definitely add more depth.

        Though if you want to discuss this in more detail, I frequent some other message boards using the same name. We could continue our conversation through private messages and I’d be less vague (I’m really trying to avoid spoilers, here).

        “And…HxH and Pokemon? What?”

        Yeah. Re-read the first chapter as if you have no knowledge of the rest of the series. See if you can catch the parallels yourself. Though if you’re interested, I could give you a link to a message board topic explaining the connection. It’s probably a bit harder to catch if you don’t speak Japanese.

        “No it wouldn’t. The 1999 portrayal of top guy wasn’t different from the manga in any meaningful way.”

        Wait to see how Madhouse does it. In the 1999 series, it was sort of directed to be this valiant and heroic action in the end. Why does Gon fight? Ask yourself this and seriously consider it. For a small hint, in volume 6, what do pages 97, 112 and 117 have in common?

        “I think i’m beginning to see where you’re coming from. You come up with strained “interpretations” of certain things and you are supportive of 2011 HxH because it fits within the interpretation. The childlike Gon relative to the more mature Gon acts to lend credence to your analysis. Or so you think.”

        Haha, I don’t think that you see where I’m coming from at all. Especially since I’m not able to go into depth here. But what I will say is that the differences in Gon’s reactions to his encounters with Hisoka make a pretty large difference.

        “But the problem people have with 2011 Gon is not that he is nonviolent and kind. It’s the fact that the way he responds doesn’t make sense, to the extent that his character becomes no more than a device, sorta like characters in American slapstick comedy shows, where the cast acts as a vehicle for the humor rather than an actual person – and the audience isn’t expected to take them, or the show seriously. This is a great disservice to HxH.”

        Interesting. How don’t his responses to situations make any sense? Can you give me specific examples? They really shouldn’t, at this point.

        Psgels mentioned how he loathed the music played atop Gon’s scene during the Final Phase in the recap, but I sort of thought that it was perfect for it (though I preferred the silence in the actual episode).

        “So what is the device that Gon acts as in 2011 HxH? He’s a kid, so the kids who watch the show can play relate, aspire, and play the fantasy. He comes up with interesting solutions to difficult problems. And that’s basically it. He’s a vehicle for the problem solving. Hence the “AHA!” music that is his theme.”
        Nope. HxH 2011 never treats Gon like a child. He never becomes a victim of his own circumstances, despite the fact that he probably SHOULD be. The audience’s reaction to Gon’s arm being broken in episode 19 is telling. Rather than sympathy or pity, aside from Gon’s friends’ anger and Pokkle’s cowardice, how do Professional Hunters react to a child being tortured by a man? Indifference.

        “But the thing you have to understand is that 1999 Gon was sweet, innocent and exhibited childlike characteristics as well. It’s just that the innocence was blended better with his other characteristics (determination, strong moral principles etc.)”
        Those other characteristics you mentioned–determination and strong moral principles–should be re-examined. Is Gon determined? Is he of strong moral fiber? Is there anything that contradicts this?

        1. “And…HxH and Pokemon? What?”

          Yeah. Re-read the first chapter as if you have no knowledge of the rest of the series. See if you can catch the parallels yourself.”

          Googled a post of yours somewhere about the Pokemon connection; I think it’s rather weak (and meaningless) to argue that the similarity is in the setup. The whole “following-after-father’s-footsteps” isn’t an entirely original or novel idea. Even if that was the intent, the premise is a fairly short-lived one and therefore the parallel holds no particular importance. Besides, for Pokemon, the setup was presumably just an excuse to get things started.

          “No. I truly believe what I’ve written. A lot of it has to do with the organization of the arc, but there were some pretty big details from the manga missed by the creators of the 1999 series.”

          Can you just say it? I compared the two. Apart from the order of the fights, Darth Maul, Choco-bots, humor and Kastro, the 1999 adaptation was fairly faithful.

          “Interesting. How don’t his responses to situations make any sense? Can you give me specific examples? They really shouldn’t, at this point.”

          The way he’s unrealistically cheery (to the extent that he’s almost cross eyed) at:

          -figuring out how to hunt Hisoka during practice. Also, realizes the guy is a murdering psychopath. Parade theme is played.

          -figuring out Bourbon probably had an antidote; dives into swirling coil of snakes. Parade theme again.

          -“figures out how to beat Hanzo”. Well, he doesn’t smile, but the parade theme once more.

          – Whoops about having to run to the airport. Who the hell Yahoos at having to run anyway? I could understand if you had to make a great leap across a large space or dive down from a great height but running…?

          …and probably a lot more that I don’t recall at this moment.

          “Psgels mentioned how he loathed the music played atop Gon’s scene during the Final Phase in the recap, but I sort of thought that it was perfect for it (though I preferred the silence in the actual episode).”

          Presumably Psgels hates it because it misrepresents the severity of the situation and as a flashback, it’s supposed to illustrate what it was like at the time. But if you take the perspective that it’s merely a recap made for the purpose of the audience, then it’s okay(that said, it was however, integrated in the form of a letter.)

          “Though if you want to discuss this in more detail, I frequent some other message boards using the same name. We could continue our conversation through private messages and I’d be less vague (I’m really trying to avoid spoilers, here.)”

          Where can I find you?

          1. Go to and search for a user named “Popo.” Send me a PM and we can have a discussion!

          2. Oh, but I’ll respond to this here for anyone else who wants to read it:

            “The way he’s unrealistically cheery (to the extent that he’s almost cross eyed) at:

            -figuring out how to hunt Hisoka during practice. Also, realizes the guy is a murdering psychopath. Parade theme is played.

            -figuring out Bourbon probably had an antidote; dives into swirling coil of snakes. Parade theme again.

            -”figures out how to beat Hanzo”. Well, he doesn’t smile, but the parade theme once more.”

            YES. This is what you SHOULD be looking for. Start trying to figure out the “why” of each question. For a hint, rewatch the conversation between Gon and Kurapika at the end of episode 5.

  68. Drop it. Love your blog, love what you do. This is a hobby, not a job, so don’t do what you don’t want to.

    Honestly, I’ve always been very impressed at how you handle people swearing abuse at you in the comments.

  69. I like the new series more than the old one (which was so unmemorable to me I don’t even remember plot points) so disagree with your reviews but still enjoy reading them. But I hate seeing people write freaking essays to one another EVERY SINGLE EPISODE about why the version they prefer is better -_-

    1. Naturally. Retards like Kevin dismiss the episode review with a few nasty words and no substance. Naturally people are going to respond. If you’re gonna criticize the episode review at least substantiate your opinion.

      And perhaps a bigger reason is that some people are critical of 1999’s characterization which necessitates an analysis of some length. If it’s too long for you then don’t read, yeah?

      1. Hang on – the biggest and perhaps most prevalent issue most people have with the original series is the pacing, which is almost universally regarded as terrible.

        Kevin’s comments aside, what most people had issue with in psgels reviews were how rather than reviewing the episode he would always devolve into comparing it to his, quite frankly, overly-idealistic memory of the 1999 series. Not to mention that whenever someone says anything lacks “soul”, it usually means they can’t actually find the problem they have with it.

        And look, I’ve got nothing against psgels. I absolutely love his reviews and opinions on anime, it’s just that I feel he’s at fault on this one issue. Whether he continues with Hunter X Hunter or not, I’ll still be eagerly awaiting his reviews.

  70. This is a little late, but I’m just gonna state what my simple little mind is thinking.

    Please don’t drop it. I like the new series more than the old one so far, and I disagree with your reviews a lot, but I enjoy reading them. I like you, so I’d like to see you talk about every episode of it right after I see them myself. Whether you rate it bad or good. Yeah, to me, reading a review from someone I like about a show I like means a lot.

    And yes, I wasn’t considering your situation in this at all, it was just my selfish opinion, so you can ignore it altogether. Well, you did ask for the reader’s opinions…

  71. I think you should keep watching but stop blogging it. It seems blogging it greatly soured your impression of it and the anime will be better for you if you don’t have to deal with angry people or trolls in connection to HxH. Given that the anime should steadily improve over the time given how the manga went, it should be worth it.

  72. You should keep blogging it. I know, it seems counterintuitive, but the HxH drama is probably the most interesting thing going on in your blog lately. It would be cool to see the show dramatically turn out much better in a later arc, and all of our perseverance with the trolling wars paying off. Think of the big picture!

  73. Personally, I don’t even watch the new HxH but I occasionally read your comments to see if it’s gets any better. Since I drop it around the 2nd episode,I am amazed you kept going until now. In my opinion, you should just stop reviewing it. It is not the little things that destroy us but the fact that it keeps accumulating that drives us all crazy. You should resume reviewing when the series get to the new arcs. I love your blog and always refer to it when a new series or episode comes out. So please don’t hate your hobby because of one series.

  74. I’m a longtime reader of your blog and agree with most of your opinions. Sometimes I even wait until a season is over to see your reviews first before picking anything up, if the season is busy, and most of the time you look for the same things in anime that I do. Hell, you’re more lenient than I am on how reasonable a plot needs to be before you call it decent, and you’re usually more strict than 95% of the anime blogosphere.

    I find myself disagreeing with you on this one. I like the remake better than the old one. This isn’t the first time, though (you dropped Fantastic Children because it was boring around ep. 08, IIRC, it picked up around ep. 13 and became quite interesting IMO) and I doubted it would be the last. If you don’t want to watch something, don’t watch it. Life is short, and you can spend the time you would’ve been watching Hunter x Hunter on other, more worthy hidden gems from the past, or picking up more series you find interesting. People who likes watching HxH here will keep watching HxH. People who don’t like it won’t. Both groups get more anime to keep an eye on, and you get to watch something that don’t make you pull your hair out. Everybody wins.

  75. please don’t drop it, there are already too few people blogging hxh. but review it the way you WANT to.

    ps i’m in full agreement with you that this remake lacks “soul”

  76. Lacks soul? What the hell is that supposed to mean :/
    You do realize that this particular type of whining is coming only from the people who watched the 1999 series? The 1999 version has a lot of consistencies regarding Gon and Killua’s characters and the whole series overall, example: Bean says: “hunting for money or animals is a work of second rate hunters, no…amateur hunters”

    Seriously? Hunters are not supposed to be shown as protectors of the earth and the good side itself.

    The original had better music, in fact it’s the best OST of all anime IMO so that’s one thing that I wish didn’t change in the new anime.

    It’s not that the 2011 version copies 100% of the manga without changing anything, but they don’t change things that are very important to the plot, or that might cause contradictions.

    Anyway, if you’re disliking the series then you should drop it o.o

  77. The original is far superior to the remake. The art, music, the Hunter X Hunter unviverse is beautifuly expressed down to the last detail. The new show is ok but the animation is too cartoonish and even the motion capture is less than the original!(check hisoka’s fight with Gon, and others!).

    God i’m glad they did the Genei Ryodan arc, after Greed Island the manga became utter crap (sorry chimera ant arc and chariman sounded alot like one piece and completely destroyed the hxh universe, the zodiac sound like one piece imports, ugh!!). Long live the Spider, Long live the 1999 true HxH series^^( drop the new show if you don’t want to see it anymore)

  78. Well i gotta say I like your post, because I for one, hated the new Hunter x Hunter 2011 version. I really don’t care if it has good graphics or cgi or anything, because the 1999 version, was the best, it had more feeling to it, it made me want to watch each and every episode, but the new one was like a kiddie morning show. I am bothered to see my favorite anime turned like this, when i search the characters, there are two different pictures/videos that show, when really only one should own that title, and that is the original.

    Seriously, if the anime ain’t broke, why fix it? For this matter, Madhouse completely butchered it, and yes, I am referring to the York Shin Arc, it was done the completely wrong way by the 2011 version. It went like a children’s cartoon or something, plus they ruined Kurapika’s hair and made it long. Ugh, York Shin is my favorite Arc, and Kurapika is my favorite anime guy of all time-and madhouse ruined them. I don’t even want to see what they’d do to Kuroro and the rest.

    Plus also, the music of the old anime was the best. It fitted the storyline, and the characters. Every opening or ending song was worth watching. If it was a nice,happy moment, there was harmonica of “Ohayou”, which made it more touching. If it was dark, like in york shin, there was music fitted to it,that’s really in atmosphere.

    Lastly, i do not even like the artwork of the new animation, however the quality is. I love the look of the old anime, and not because of nostalgia or anything. They just look right. Not little kiddie chibis. And the kurapika on the york shin arc, ugh I cannot get over that, they had his hair long and stuff. My advice is watch the old anime first, before even thinking of watching the new one.

    And oh yeah, I really wish back on those days, where hunter x hunter is the one and only anime with that name. No version this, or version that. Plain and simple, it should have been the one who only owned that title. In my opinion, the 1999 version should have just been continued from the chimera ant arc onwards, by the old production, and have none of this new version nonsense.

    the fights on the old one were boss:Kurapika Vs Ubogin,Kuroro Vs Zaoldyeck and etc. and Killua was a lot more cooler in the original version.

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