Hunter X Hunter – 54

YES! YES! YES! OH GOD YES! It has begun! That one phone text is something I have been eagerly anticipating for more than a year now. The scene where Hisoka sent his message was the point where the original 1999 series ended, and this episode showed the first bits of what would continue in the OVA: the very best parts. Why it’s the best part will become clear in a few weeks, but oh god. This episode was so chockful of hints for that it’s unbelievable.

I am not going to mention these hints for spoilers’ sake. Let me just say that seeing the fortunes read for every spider member is amazing when you know what’s going to happen. Holy crap, I just cannot wait for this.

Also, I want to rain praises at the spider troupe for one more thing: they’re cautious. Most evil organizations glorify death or something like that: they take risks way too easily and they don’t have any value for human life. Here however, it’s more complex than that: some members are valueable and therefore cannot be permitted to die. Some members have a very strong bond together. This whole rope-tagging alone made this episode more than worth it. I just cannot think of any other evil shounen organization that comes even close to how well thought out these guys are.
Rating: 6/8 (Awesome)

16 thoughts on “Hunter X Hunter – 54

  1. If I want to know what happens next, I can just pick up the first OVA? I’ve only seen this new anime up to this point. Just checking if there will be discontinuity issues.

    1. Yeah, you can basically watch the OVA. The storylines have been pretty much the same. I’d say that this one included a few more background scenes, but apart from that you won’t have any problems.

    2. The 1999 ended here, but rest assured, this one won’t. The reason it ended was because it caught up with the manga, so they couldn’t animate any more material.

  2. the manga has been in a hiatus for quite some time too again~ so the anime will be ending soon enough when it runs out of the material

    1. nope, for your understanding, it would be similar as if Naruto would only be adapted to anime starting now, they would have so much material, that they would take a long time to run out and probably wouldn’t because the manga would end first.

      Even if the author has health problems and is always sick, putting Hunter X in hiatus, it’s still a long time coming before we nedd to think about that

      1. xD i have read upto the chimera ant arc actually after which i dropped it completely since the art became shit , if he cant draw hxh anymore he should end it why the long 1 year hiatus :\ he comes back for 2 months and goes on a hiatus for 1 year

        1. I guess this has to be said many times: but if you’re reading from scans, the art is really shitty. The mangaka swore to rewrote each chapter when they release it in volume. He’s just rushing it now because of deadlines.

          I’m a bit peeved at this comment though because…well, it’s a really great manga. Rather than criticize the author for coming back to a great series because his art has gone bad, you should be glad that something awesome may just reach its conclusion.

          And the most recent hiatus is because of the HxH movie in 2013. The mangaka wrote it himself.

  3. I really hope we get a full adaptation of all the current source material available. That would basically mean three major story arcs, following the Yorkshin events (the shortish greed island arc, the very long chimaera ant arc and the shortish election arc). What would be TRULY good news though, is the announcement of new chapters -_-

  4. fucking togashi, if a anime aire almost 13 years after the first time, is without material.

    He is a lazy bastard, stop playing dragon quest.

    1. He’s the first lazy Japanese author.. All of them are really consistent and rarely take breaks, even if they were VERY famous (e.g. One Piece)
      But this guy.. He is careless bastard! He was spotted selling doujinshi recently! (btw his doujinshis’ are very very rare)

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