Hunter X Hunter – 52

The second half of this episode had a fight that I have been looking forward to for so long now. It’s another one of the stand-out moments in which this series really sets itself apart from other shounen series.

I mean, up till now, Chrollo has been a very mysterious main villain: he’s the head of the spider, but we never actually saw him fight someone aside from the previous episode, which wasn’t even a fight anyway. So here this episode comes and immediately throws the two single most powerful characters in the entire series at him. No tricks, no padding. They’re just there, and they immediately do their job right. It’s a level of professionalism that you hardly ever see in shounen series.

Kurapika is skillfully kept out of the spotlights due to his job of looking over Neon, and instead, even though there are still many side-villains left alive, the creators show the fight between the three most powerful characters in the series (I doubt that even Hisoka would win from Chrollo).

The one scene outside of this that also really made an impact was where Gon and Killua called Kurapika with their information. THAT was actually very important. It may seem like they were meddling, but after seeing Kurapika in control for so many episodes now, this episode is where he’s left at the mercy of others, plus, he actually gets offered help.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

9 thoughts on “Hunter X Hunter – 52

  1. It was indeed a great episode. The bosses power is a bit lame, but no doubt useful. I hope that old guy is going to be okay though. It would a shame if he died for nothing.

  2. Yeah the series and manga never gave the vibe that Hisoka would be able to win against Lucifer. That always seemed to be the reason why Hisoka wanted to fight him so badly.

  3. We should be getting a new OP too next week, can’t wait.

    And so I’m so glad I’ve basically forgotten everything from the 1999 series – the suspense around just how Chrollo will manage to escape this situation is awesome. (Although I do remember the conclusion of the arc, sadly.)

  4. Im guessing you mean most powerful at this point, since people like Netero and Gons father would probably wipe his ass eyes closed

    One thing I was surprised to see was that the room they fought in was all lit up and stuff… I preferred the old one, which had a really dark mood to it

    The ending to this fight is pretty anti climatic though, if it happens just like the 1999 version, but after this we get the awesome psychological thriller arc with the kidnappings and stuff, that one is awesome

    1. You’ll soon learn Nen isn’t about power levels. It’s about who uses their abilities in the best way possible through both intelligence and skill, and these abilities can be incredibly varied. For example (spoilers) one person has the ability to create a timer of sorts on anyone which stops them from using Nen, which means that even though opponents may be stronger, they can still be beaten.

  5. “I doubt that even Hisoka would win from Chrollo”

    I wonder about that…

    Anyway, great episode. This was one of my most anticipated episodes, and Madhouse didn’t let me down.

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