Hunter X Hunter – 26

Someone. Please fire the guy responsible for choosing the placement of the music in this series. This episode showed me that he has no clue what this show is about.

It’s bad enough already that this was a recap. That’s the second recap in 26 episodes. For a show that already has a really long way to go before it can get to new material. I’d take the fillers of the 1999 series of this anytime. The premise of this episode was Gon writing to his mother, so I guess it was at least justified that the narrative was very jumbled. One detail is that Gon forgot to explain why Hisoka spared him. That makes that picture slightly different. But for a recap’s low standards, that part at least wasn’t bad.

But dear god, the music. For starters, this episode immediately started by making a mockery of my favorite non-Yorkshin episode of the 1999 series by playing the most generic tune the soundtrack has on top of it. That already was annoying, but I couldn’t believe my ears when Gon got to the part where he was quietly laying in wait for the correct opportunity to strike the bird and later Hisoka… and suddenly the ED started playing. Yes, that incredibly hyperactive song with lots of screaming and grunting. that was about the worst song you could have picked and it completely broke the mood. Hisoka in particular looked completely ridiculous with that hyperactive J-pop looping over his supposedly gloomy face especially when he actually started grunting alongside with it. Just… why? I really want to be fair to this new adaptation, but it doesn’t make it easy. Most of my previous comments can be classified as nit-picking, but this was just plain bad.

What’s next? Senritsu’s theme song being squeaky J-Pop?
Rating: — (Bad)

14 thoughts on “Hunter X Hunter – 26

  1. probably the music at the End was because they’re probably changing the OP and ED next week [or at least they should, it’s been 26 eps already]… though it still was a bad choice

  2. You know what I did when I figured this was a recap?

    I didn’t watch it.

    The simple fact that you decided to cover this episode whos that you really have something personal and visceral against this series. We get it already that it doesn’t have the best OST, and that the songs are very misplaced ; what you never talk about is for instance this little perfect piece of animation sweeping the sky when Gon gets dizzy from whatshisname’s poison dart, that constant and perfect mise en scène, the overall great animation with some genius and extremely applied moments. The originality of the adaptation so far in its taking into consideration very late chapters of the manga, etc. etc. et cetefuckingra.

    1. But he always covers recaps, and he doesn’t ‘have it in’ for this series, not by a long shot. Two recaps in 26 episodes IS ridiculous for what will be a long running shonen.

    2. Dude, psgels ALWAYS covers recaps. And how can you argue against his review of the episode if you didn’t even watch it…?

  3. This recap like the last one is because it aired on a Holiday. So instead of wasting a canon episode on a day when hardly anyone is watching they decided to recap. Psgels shut the fuck up about the music there is nothing wrong with it and the placement had never been off. The placement is unique and the direction is brilliant. You need to get your head out of your own ass and stop thinking that unless this series does what the 99 series did it is bad. Also for the love of god if you dont know much about this series do some god damn research this is the 4th time you have called Aunt Mito Gon’s Mother, he does not call her Kasaan and it had been said multiple god dam times she is his Aunt. Surely you could do a little bit of research before you do these reviews. You clearly are not watching this series with an open mind and are only looking to fault it at any given chance. I know I am not alone in saying this, you need to review this series objectively or dont review it at all and for gods sake at least back shit up when you say it. Its like you dont know the first thing about anime or its production.!

    1. …And it’s like you’ve proven nothing about your supposed increased maturity when it comes to opinions that differ from yours.

    2. I’m not particularly happy with psgels’ review this time and I agree with you that you’re not alone in saying that.

      But it would be much more appreciated if you could watch what you say and criticize his review properly AND politely. No one is happy to see you talk like that.

    3. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. The music has been consistently misplaced. This episode was another failure in the music department right from the beginning, where Gon recounts the final phase. Gon writes about his displeasure of defeating Hanzo through withdrawal, moments after he considers running through Gon with the hand blade. Let’s play Gon’s parade theme! Never mind the fact that it was supposed to be a tense moment – Gon is literally, at the same time, upset about the withdrawal and the director thinks it’s a good idea to broadcast VICTORY MUSIC. It’s like he’s contradicting himself in the same sentence. Even somebody who is BIPOLAR can’t act in two different ways AT THE SAME TIME but this guy has somehow pulled it off. Perhaps he is afflicted by a new or undocumented disorder?

      I’m not even gonna talk about the rock music which was a complete misrepresentation of the feel of the situation. Who’s perspective are we supposed to take anyway? Isn’t it Gon’s? Why is the “cool” rock music being played? Because there’s no way in hell Gon thought that was a cool moment.

      BTW it’s funny Gon tells Mito about Killua impaling Bodoro, Hisoka slaughtering everyone and his intent to pay back Hisoka. I loved Mito’s reaction: ho ho ho, Gon’s just like you, Ging! Even though she’s angry at Ging, supposedly.

    4. You know, I’m one of the those people who prefer this remake to the 1999 adaptation (which had a severe case of ‘oh god why did this character behave like this this is OOC man’, despite some brilliant use of atmosphere), but I still have to say that I cringe at most of the music. They really, really need to fire the composer/sound composition guy and get someone who actually realizes that music is to supposed to set the damned mood. It ruins the mood half the time, and the other half is ‘dude not this tune again, does this show have more than five tunes?’ Which is a pity because the animation team did excellent work on those frames, and the rest of the direction is solid.

      So yeah, psgels should keep railing on the music. If it sucks, it sucks.

  4. Yes, the music wasn’t really well placed for any of the scenes.
    But the thing is, those scenes were ALREADY DONE, this is just a recap.. It’s not that they chose the music badly, they put the two most famous songs on play and let them be.
    Yes, the result was not the best but, it’s a recap, I don’t care, they were only going to show a quick sussecion of diferent scenes. So, putting the main theme over it all, didn’t really strike me as anything special.

    And mainly, it’s a recap, it’s an episode that has no real purpose.
    Very rarely you do see recaps that have actual entertaing purposes in a show.

    It was a bad episode but.. it’s just something that I expected from the moment I realized it was a recap, the theme being kept as in the original wouldn’t have done much differense to me.

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