Hourou Musuko – 06

Usually when an anime shows its characters perform a play, it’s a real highlight. This time though, it’s the aftermath that really caught my attention. The play itself was rushed through and didn’t have much impact, but the impression it left on the different characters was what really caught my attention in this episode.

The big strength of this show is how it’s able to breathe life in a relatively large cast in a relatively small amount of time, and this all came together in that aftermath: just about everyone had something different to say about it and experienced something different, from Saori’s subtle compliment to her co-star to Nitori’s sister commenting how he just wrote himself into the story.

As for the “school festival”-part of this episode, it really was the standard fare that you always see in those kinds of episodes: a huge crowd, a cafe and a haunted house. It’s more realistic than usual, but still it reminded me how the slice of life isn’t why I’m watching this show. Instead, this is all about its characters, and whenever this episode built further upon them, it was really excellent.
Rating: ** (Excellent)
On a side-note: I’m currently experimenting with a new imagehost: upl.co. Has anybody ever had any bad experiences with them? Like, them deleting images or something?

4 thoughts on “Hourou Musuko – 06

  1. As someone who just recently marathoned the manga, I find it amazing how they’re compressing lots of things from the manga, and still make it look awsome.

    The next episode should be very interesting. I cannot believed, they’re gonna skip lot of chapters just so we can see ****/Shuu in action.

  2. I thought Chiba lying and giving the flowers to Mako was really telling of her character. Even though she comes across as bitchy and cold that’s not all there is to her and that one gesture said a lot about how complex her character is. I really loved it. ^^

  3. try lulzimg.com

    they never delete
    they never go down
    and they are not a giant company
    they are actual people

    if you can disregard the site design, it’s very nice.

  4. The manga as always been probably, one of my favourite mangas of all time so I was pretty excited when I heard about the anime. I must say I’m very pleased with it as of now. I’m just a little bit sad that it’s only going to be 11-12 or 13 episodes (I don’t remember) because what I loved the most about the manga was how the characters evolved through the years (we’re talking about 5-6 years since the beginning of the manga already). The anime still manage to put a lot into the characters so hurray! I’m also happy about the focus on Mako since he’s been my favourite character of the series (although my opinion is biased since Mako reminds me of myself xD). Can’t wait till next week!

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