Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 22

Short Synopsis: The members of Daiku have a day off when a rather urgent case pops up.
Highlights: Just about everything in this episode!
Overall Enjoyment Value: 9/10
What an awesome episode! Really, I can’t believe that in the end, this series is coming together wonderfully. Seriously, it feels like this series has only just started for real after the biologica-weapon arc. It really feels like the cast’s introduction finished there. The past two episodes have that hard to describe feeling, where you really feel the chemistry between the different characters. If that makes any sense. It’s that very vague point that the characters reach, when they just feel like normal people, instead of two-dimensional ones.

I must really say that the creators have a very interesting way of fleshing out their characters. It’s very strange, I first labelled it as bad characterization, but as it turns out, this series has shown us many sides of the Daiku team. This episode fleshed them out even more, by showing how the Daiku members are on their days off. You really see different sides of them, than when you compare them in their business suits.

And the new character who kept bugging to join Daiku was hilarious, especially after the way he got pwned by Maki like that. But then again, just about every scene in this episode stood out in some way. From the light-hearted moments, to the amusement-park bombing that turned out to be just a simple fireworks show. I’m probably just rambling here (which usually happens when I run into a series I really, really like), and this episode definitely isn’t the easiest to explain why it’s so awesome. I think that it’s one of these episodes that has the x-factor.

I’m really curious: are there still people apart from myself that are watching this series? It really feels like everyone seems to have given up on it, either after the first episode with its gay undertones, or after the subs stalled. It’s a real shame: out of all the episodes the creators could have chosen, they stopped right before the best episode of the entire series.

Also, it’s strange, but I’m starting to really like Madhouse’s sense of visuals, especially in this series, even though the graphics budget is incredibly small. It’s the way that the creators use their filters and lighting-effects, along with the down-to-earth character-designs (no girls with hair in rainbow-colours = win). A great example is the gorgeous shot with the fireworks.

Overall, there were often times where I lost faith in this series, but now that it’s finally coming together, I’m confident that after Kaiba, Himitsu is my favourite series of the past spring-season.

6 thoughts on “Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 22

  1. I can’t watch the series without subs, so I’m stuck. However, I still like the series a lot though so I can only hope that the subbing groups will pick it up (I know that Animanda tends to be really slow and dropping series).

  2. I’m waiting for the series to finish before catching up with the raws, but I am slightly disappointed at the lack of subs.

  3. Like Sasa, I’ve been stuck for quite a while. It wasn’t until I browsed the Himitsu topic on AnimeSuki the other day did I realize how much hate this anime gets.

  4. I totally love this series. This and REAL DRIVE are my absolute favorites this season. They suit my old fashioned taste because they both lack fan service and annoying, cutesy or abrasively loud characters. I look forward to watcching them and because there are NO subs anymore, i really depend on sites like yours to give summaries (and spoilers, please, pleaese!) so that I can brave the RAWS. Think I’ll check out those animesuki forums as the post above mentioned. Hate? I wonder why?

  5. I really love this series due to the manga. So much so that I bought the third volume of it when I was in Tokyo. (I can’t even read Japanese). I hope they continue subbing the anime soon. Why hate?

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