Heartcatch Precure – 49

Ah, of course: this episode still had the final moment of our bad guy left: the point at which he increases in size and… holy crap is he huge!

In terms of physics it obviously made no sense whatsoever, but it really looked cool here. The finale mostly stands out in its eye candy, in terms of what actually happens, it pretty much ends like you think it would, including a bit of a deus ex machina that allows the four precures to grow huge enough themselves in order to be able to beat it. Not really a great ending, but it still was a very good one, simply due to the execution and the aftermath that followed afterwards, wrapping up the rest of the story quite nicely, plus we actually got to see Tsubomi’s new sister. I would have liked to see how Cobraja and Sarosina ended up as, but this episode gave enough hints that the two of them also ended up fine.

Now, Suite Precure. This episode indeed ended with a preview. One thing is for sure at this point: it is not going to be the visual orgasm that Heartcatch Precure was. To start, you should know the following:
– Heartcatch Precure’s characters were designed by the guy who also did the character designs of Casshern Sins.
– Suite Precure’s characters were designed by the guy who also did the character designs of Kaidan Restaurant. And this guy is also going to be the chief animation director!

Get what I mean? The result is…. ugh. The animation also doesn’t look as polished as Heartcatch Precure either, nor does the editing look any good.

The only thing we can hope for now is that the mysterious series composition guy actually knows what he’s doing, and that the director is up to the job. He did direct the One Piece Strong World Movie, but I have no clue whether he’d also work for a long series as Suite Precure. He was the episode director of three Heartcatch Precure episodes before, which were all pretty good and especially in the way that they focused on the characters. I really hope that he’s going to take that over to Suite Precure, because there still is some potential.

In any case, to get back to Heartcatch, it has definitely been fun following this series for the past year. It ahd a lot of mahou shoujo tropes, but had such a solid execution that those didn’t matter at all.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

7 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 49

  1. They did show Cobraja and Sasorina. Cobraja was working at the fashion shop Erika’s family runs and Sasorina got a job teaching at the local kindergarten.

  2. Cobraja isn’t at Erika’s family’s shop; otherwise, she definitely would have known about it. All that was shown was that he’s working in fashion design/tailoring.

  3. A fitting end to Heartcatch Precure. Especially when the Infinite Precure says “Take this, our love” and then proceeds to give a punch lol. At the end there, I wonder who the little girl holding the heart perfume is. Maybe Futaba, Tsubomi’s younger sister? Or her daughter then? If the producers ever think of continuing the story, I am so gonna be happy.

  4. I thought Sasorina became some kindergarden teacher, and Kumojacky went to the Myoudoin dojo to train…or something.

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