Heartcatch Precure – 20

Ohohoho, things are getting really interesting now: there’s going to be a third main character. I have a really good suspicion on who it’s going to be, but whoever it’s going to be, new main characters who show up half-way often have a great effect in terms of character development. Both for themselves, but also for the ones around them.

I also want to praise the creators for not giving any shallow hints towards this in prior: it really was this episode that dropped the bomb on a new character, so that the first half of the series would really focus on Tsubomi and Erika, instead of it becoming a sort of waiting exercise for this third character to appear.

Also, Dune has a boss. This is even more of a hint that we’re going to get him taken under the loop somewhere along the line. It does introduce the show to the “bad guy behind the shadows” syndrome, however. You know, those series that might have well developed mid-bosses, but very stereotypically evil end bosses who don’t end up doing anything until the final episode. It’s going to be interesting if this series manages to avoid this.

The main story of this episode wasn’t the best, nor the worst. It clearly was cut a bit short in favour of the third critter that appeared. It’s a nice story about being able to take criticism, but lacked the depth of the previous episodes.

And on a side-note: Kumojacky and Cobraja need to do that ambush trick more often, as it worked surprisingly well.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

8 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 20

  1. The third fairy looks cute.

    Unfortunately for now, Doremi has stopped subbing Heartcatch Precure, and I don’t see anyone else picking it up.

  2. I know! Why isn’t episode 19 subbed yet? I don’t believe it! This is the FIRST Precure series that I’m actually ambitious about watching! They can’t drop it now! But I think there are 2 other groups subbing it.

  3. Don’t worry about subs, Janette; Maceart, Doremi’s translation, took a vacation last week and that’s the only reason subs haven’t been released.

  4. Ah, I see. Okay then. Thanks for telling me. I shall patiently wait!…*goes to read Little Women on the DS and watch more anime and write more of her story*

  5. ikr?
    This is the first precure series that is actually good.
    My favorite of all time.
    The others… just don’t have the same feel as this one.

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