Heartcatch Precure – 14

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.

You know, I often dislike it when creators kill of a characters’ parent. It’s overdone, a cheap way to care about a character… ah, screw it. This show just surpassed itself. This was the best episodic story that Heartcatch Precure has shown us so far, and it pushed all of the right buttons. Screw cliches, there’s nothing wrong with them if used right!

It’s an awesome idea from the creator to make a mothers day special, because it really fits the main themes of this series (family) perfectly. The main focus of this episode this time fell on one of Tsubomi and Erika’s classmates, who has lost her mother a number of years ago (probably due to the birth of her younger sister). It’s really an episode about the loss of one’s parents, and how this forces her to take on responsibilities, even though she’d rather be playing around.

Shiku really was a strong girl for her age, but at the same time that went at the expense of her childhood. This episode was all about her, sorting out her own feelings about her mother. Her character-development was also handled really well: after she realized that she shouldn’t be so hard on herself, she really started experimenting with being a kid again, joining the fashion club. Speaking of which… this means that we’re going to see much more of her, right? This sounds very, very promising.

As for the bad guys… they intrigue me a bit. With the main theme of this show being family, it really hasn’t been reflected at all in those three grunts that always change people to desatorians and whose name I forgot. However… was it really a coincidence that that narcissistic one was walking around with a bouquet of flowers on MOTHER’S DAY? I mean, something tells me that that was a bit too much of a coincidence.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

5 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 14

  1. Happy Mother’s day too. Psgels!
    What the high-class episodic story that this series has ! Wow…It’s make me can feel really teary although It’s the first time that I know her. So..this is the power of episodic story of this series. right?

    I feel really sorry for Shiku to see her forced to take responsibilities because of her mother died although she want to play like kids more. I very praised at director. they can develop her development nicely.It make you understand all of her feeling(Include with the some helpful development between her and her sister)and it didn’t feel rushed or cheesy at all.It blown very naturally.
    Loved it!

  2. You know it is the best Precure series ever when the filler episodes are THIS good. I never felt bored once in 14 episodes so far.
    Good job Toei, good job.

  3. That was a very emotional episode indeed,tha emotional scenes in this episode really pulled at the heart strings.I always have a soft spot for these mother centric episodes T_T

    The battle scene was as good as always.I love how the creators just don’t plop some random power to the Dessetrian and actually made the fights interesting by other means.Didn’t expect the garbage bin to be a cannon at all ^^

    btw,though it’s a bit late,hope you had a good Mother’s Day too psgels ^o^

  4. This is my favorite episode of Heartcatch ever! It was soooooo adorable and sad! But I loved it to bits! And yes, Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

  5. Just watched this episode. When it first aired, I just disregarded this series, thinking it just some typical kid series. Looks like I nearly missed out on watching a great series if it weren’t for this blog. Thank you, Psgels.

    This episode is truly amazing. It pushed all the right buttons for me. In just one episode, they managed to make Shiku’s character grow so much that a lot of series would fail even in a whole season. And she’s just a side character too. Well, on to the next episode then.

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