Heartcatch Precure – 10

Wow, what an episode! It’s here where the creators show how good they actually are. This episode was both beautifully animated, hilarious and tense. It’s here where the Precure are proven to be completely useless and not god-moded at all when it comes to defeating the biggest threats. In typical mahou-shoujo fashion they were saved by some mysterious guys who are also on their sides, but then again: these two high schoolers look so much more interesting than your average prince on the white horse, even though we don’t even know anything about them.

The combination between the incredibly silly henchman and the actually competent dark Precure turned out to work really well: because of that we didn’t get a sudden episode full of angst about this unbeatable opponent, but instead the creators balanced the light-hearted parts (and that strange football match) well amongst the darker parts in which that Dark Precure appeared. And remember that we’re only at 1/5th of the way: there’s still plenty of time left to actually develop them.

And the animation! It wasn’t just absolutely gorgeous, it also brought out the best of the characters! That’s really what I consider to be animation at its finest: not the kind with the biggest budget, but one that actually makes its cast alive when it counts. And this episode did that so well: it was full of interesting camera-angles, the characters were full of different emotions and even the action was continuously fun, both in the small down to earth parts as the soccer match, and the over the top parts where Dark Precure stood in the spotlights. Seriously, if this is only a taste of what the creators have in store for us, then I’m really curious to the rest of this series.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

7 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 10

  1. I agree with everything you said, this was probably the best episode so far. Also, I wish my comp wasn’t so shitty, I have to resort to watching avi and 480p =/.

  2. Yup,the animation was as great as you said it,and the background music for when the friend of Erika’s older sister shows up (whom I bet is Moonlight Precure true identity.)was quite good too.

  3. Wow. That was full of fun from the get go. I was wondering why the hell Dark PreCure’s voice sounded so familiar. Until I started watching Detective Conan’s latest episode did it dawn on me.
    Dark Precure’s Seiyuu is conan-kun!! lol. Wow. Talked about role reversal.
    I certainly enjoyed the sudden possibility that the megane-girl is moonlight. That pendant made it all but 100% in my book. Kinda fun what kind of relationship Dark Precure has with Moonlight.
    Man. This new PreCure certainly is exceeding my expectations since the original last aired.

  4. LOVED it. I had to admit, when Tsubomi and Erika charged right into the battle without their transformations, you see how truly badass they are.

    And I do wonder how Moonlight will play into things when she finally gets revealed a bit more. That and when the new Cure, Cure Sunshine (I’m serious! A new girl! And look at the scans and figure out who she is. [It’s horribly obvious but totally exciting to wait for 😉 ]) joins the fray, we’ll be in for the best season yet of Precure.

  5. Grey eyes = Moonlight
    Yellow eyes = Sunshine
    And those wierd looking eyes = the cute guy that every one in the series likes.

  6. This ep is very awesome.Animation is go superb and fight scenes are very exciting. Hey..I didn’t count the story that go epic too.OH MY GOD…Precure can do it !!

    Hmm..The story in this ep make me wonder and curious to know many thing.This isn’t happened offen in Mahou shoujo history.. WOW..

    Yuri(The mysterious girl that I heard that she is cure moonlight).I think she is somewhat relate dark precure for sure.That why she can stop dark precure to attack Tsubomi and Erika.
    It look like their past is very complicated.And somehow related with “best friends and trusting heart”

    I don’t know but this theme is very portrays in this ep a lot. And I think Yuri didn’t tell about this because want to help the precures only. But look like it’s related with herself too.
    And what about that man. Who is he? What is his purpose? Many mysterys begin here.

    Gladly to see precure lose at once too. It make many thing more realistic and more complex.I wish they keep it up.I really love it now!!

  7. I saw this episode earlier today and I loved it to bits! Tsubomi and Erika were great in this episode! Plus I’m curious about the mystery man and the purple-haired glasses girl named Yuri. Why do I think they’re connected in some way?

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