Heartcatch Precure – 08

I really love this: the creators could decide to go lazy and instead animate a bunch of random stories. Instead, it’s focusing its first quarter at establishing every major character. This time, it’s the turn of Erika’s sister, building further upon the third episode in which we learned about how jealous Erika is of her sister.

Again, this episode didn’t claim to fix everything. The Desatorian was created through Momoka’s stress, just at a time at which she happened to be feeling down. It’s not like Momoka needed the help of the Precures to know how to fix her problems. In fact, the reason that these desatorians help is by alerting the people around it about the person’s problems; it’s all about communication.

So, while this episode wasn’t as enjoyable as some of the others of this show, I’m happy enough with it due to its build-up. With every of these episodes I’m getting more and more curious as to what the creators are planning to do with the rest of this series.
Rating: * (Good)

2 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 08

  1. I want the old OP back already. ;_;
    Erika and her sister have a nice dynamic, and again there was a good job not letting it get dramatic. Ironic that, like you said, the desertrians end up alerting others about a person’s anxiety and helping them recover, or at least offering them a support.

  2. Yeah.I really love to see Mahou shoujo series that didn’t going in the way of fillers and random story but mainly attention at the character development or Go spotlight at the character that can going to important to the story in the future. At least in the first 10 eps…

    And Wow again to see them serious at fashion club. They proved in this ep that this isn’t the club that built for killing time.

    Wow…This series rocks.

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