Hanamaru Youchien – 03

So overall this show turned out enjoyable enough, though not anything special. There’s one thing I don’t like, though: Yamamoto. Seriously, I’m surprised that she hasn’t sprouted wings and flown to heavens yet. I know that there’s purity and all, but that woman really takes the cake. It would have been nice if her total cluelessness was some sort of a novelty, but just about every love triangle in anime has it. What does this show hope to achieve by following this completely pointless bandwagon?

This episode featured a bunch more cliches that you’d usually see in high school romances, but I guess that that was necessary to flesh out the characters. As long as the future episodes aren’t going to repeat it, I don’t see much of a problem.

One thing that I’ve noticed from this series is that it likes to put tropes of other kinds of series into its setting of a kindergarten. I also recognize some parts of Great Teacher Onizuka in Tsuchida: he too makes friends with his students by placing himself on their equal level. At least, with everyone aside from Anzu.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

5 thoughts on “Hanamaru Youchien – 03

  1. Agree completely.. This episode was a step down from the first two, and yamamoto is to blame there… Shes way too cliche and will ruin the whole thing if it goes on

  2. Agreed. Show is losing interest. I actually kind of liked Yamamoto for turning him down all the time up until we found out she’s just your typical airhead .__.

  3. Whoa…spam. Well, anyway…

    Hm..i get the feeling Yamamoto might already be involved in another relationship – kind of like the “other women” in Chobits, which is why she keeps blissfully ignoring Tsuchida’s attention. The writers might be trying to draw this plotline out longer, say til the end of this season, before springing out the truth as a plot twist. She, like Anzu, may just be meant to be important characters in the story, but dead ends when it comes to romance.

  4. I actually didn’t mind this episode that much, though it certainly was not as good as the previous episode. (But Hiiragi is awesome to no extent, so it’s hard to compare.)
    I must say, despite the one-sided dimensionality of, well, pretty much everything in this series, it’s nice to see that something this season can keep me genuinely entertained.

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