Hana-Saku Iroha – 08

Ooh, this episode was very good! It probably even was the best episode since episode 2, but at the same time it still was nothing like these first two episodes. The key of this episode was suddenly getting a lot of customers to book a room at the same day while three of the staff members were either sick or had a day off. The stress in keeping things running and the build-up of this were really well done here.

On top of that, the added chaos also showed different sides of everyone, and nearly everyone was enjoyable to watch. The only one who wasn’t was that Takako-woman, but she served her purpose in making things even more hectic by focusing on the mystery guests. This is the pace that this series needs to keep up.

This episode was forced, though. It’s one thing for Grandmother to collapse on such a busy day, but Kou also just had the perfect timing. Not to mention that this set-up was perfect again for fueling the Tohru love triangle that I never really was a fan of. That’s one thing that this series still needs to convince me that it’s going to be worth the build-up.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

4 thoughts on “Hana-Saku Iroha – 08

  1. Great episode. The whole everything that could go wrong does go wrong created some fun drama.

    I only saw one thing that felt forced which was the grandma’s collapse, it definitely could have used some foreshadowing so it felt less abrupt. Though I loved the interaction between her and Ohana at the hospital. It felt like Ohana further reinforced to her grandma the fact that she’s far different than her mother.

  2. I’ll give them credit for seemingly getting the series back on track. It does seem more like it belongs alongside one of those first couple episodes. On the other hand, when the episode ended I didn’t feel excited or anxious, which is a good indicator that I don’t really care that much what happens next. Maybe, as you said, it is because I don’t care about Tohru.

  3. I hope this Tohru thing is not as how they are making it up to be…I am still hoping it’s Nako who he is after to make the twist prettier, but Ohana encouraging Minchi this time was like, oh my, this will make Minchi angrier in the future. I believe Ohana will not get a triangle, but more like this will fuel problems with Minchi. I’m sure she’ll get Ko and that she likes Ko, I can’t see her suddenly falling for Tohru of all people, because their interaction wasn’t nice in Ohana’s pov.

    I really enjoyed the episode, though I think it’s pretty out of place for Ohana to interrupt Tohru’s free time -I mean, maybe the wedding is really important to him?- for the inn, when the main chef is the one who needs to shake it. Dunno. I did enjoyed the hasty-atmosphere this episode had. And Nakochi is awesome.

  4. Just wanted to drop by and say yes! This show seems to be back on the rails and hopefully it’ll stay that way.

    How awesome would it be if Ohana’s accidentally stumbling into her mom’s wedding (to that bozo)? Unlikely, but awesome right?

    Thanks for the always-insightful reviews.

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