Hana-Saku Iroha – 06

So, this show is really seems to be going with the “first half random stories, second half plot”-format. This episode was once again a standalone story. With this though, I also realized what I’ve been missing through the past four episodes:

There are two keys to a great first half for such a format: it needs to have strong individual stories and it needs to use those stories to build upon the main setting and characters. This series has the latter covered: the second half of this show has a ton of potential considering the amount of build up that the past number of episodes have been putting into it. That’s fine. It’s just that I don’t really find the stories of the individual episodes that interesting.

So yeah, in this episode the characters got to dress up in fetish outfits: first there were the china dresses and then there were the maid-ish outfits. The whole story around trying to innovate the bathhouse wasn’t really interesting because of how it just limited itself to random outfit changes. It never bothered to look at the big picture. It’s obviously building up to something, but this episode in itself didn’t really stand out. It was too mundane.

Still, we got a few hints to grandmother’s past and uncle’s background. This episode did serve its job of delivering variety and fleshing out the characters. The only thing I didn’t like about that part was that we now indeed get confirmed that Tohru has a crush on Ohana. Love Triangles are really dangerous: they very easily can take over the entire series if the creators aren’t careful. Please, let them be careful.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

17 thoughts on “Hana-Saku Iroha – 06

  1. Gah, come on. The show started as a fast moving drama, then suddenly all the character tensions and ohana’s situation got downplayed and we’re *already* getting lighthearted situations. Not that there is anything bad with that, but it’s too soon. Those kind of episodes belong in the middle of a 20something ep series.

  2. I wasn’t bothered by the single minded focus on the costumes this episode. It’s just like a teenager or Ohana to tend to focus on the smaller issues to change something big as opposed to some sweeping change.

    It was also a unobtrusive way of gently formalizing the financial issues. It’s been hit on a couple times but not laid out directly as the focus of an episode. And having worked in a store going under it felt just like the sort of early triage attempts to reinvigorate things before they get really desperate.

    The Tohru crush I’m really looking forward to. Something about the set up makes me very curious as to how it pans out. It feels a little more engaging than just some dry unrequited love or borderline stalker/obsessive interest.

  3. I thought about Tohru and Ohana as a couple right from the start, but after finding out that Minko was in love with him, my hopes were gone. And although I am glad to see Tohru’s crush (I think they’d be an interesting couple to follow), unfortunately Minko’s feelings would get in the way. I just hope the creators aren’t thinking of teasing the audience with a potential romance in order to end it before it starts.

    Besides that, another average episode.

  4. I actually liked this episode. It’s true the first half was useless fan service (not that I’m complaining), but the second half made full use of the show’s setting and I’m not talking only about the history of the inn; also we had some bonding between the characters, especially from Ohana’s family.
    Still, I agree about the triangle: not a big fan of them (I guess they need to fill the 24 episodes with something) but It looks like Minko reacted not so bad to the whole deal and she actually seems to be nicer to Ohana.

  5. I couldn’t even finish. It was so retarded from the get-go. The entire premise is just stupid. Of course the “management consultant” has a completely idiotic idea. It’s not like it’s her job to not have idiotic ideas.

  6. Don’t like this triangle thing…I hope they surprise us and it’s Nako and not Ohana…I just don’t want him to like oh the main character. And the couple kinda grosses me…I don’t mind conflict with Minchi and all but Tohru + Ohana = no way.

  7. I’m hoping it’s the older woman (the gossip) he’s in love with. It would tie in nicely with the preview for the next episode with her wanting to quit her job.

    But chances are it’s probably Ohana. After all, why else would he suddenly fall for someone at this point? She’s the only new face.

  8. Idk I thought it was a fun episode. You could have a lot worst “filler” episodes, and technically this one doesn’t even count because of good character and setting development. The most important thing now is to start a continuous plot line in the next or next two episodes.

  9. Besides being filled with a lot of fanservice, it was a nice episode. We get to see some development between the love triangle between Minchi, Tohru, and Ohana as well as some insight into Ohana’s grandmother. I’d like to see more Ko though.

    By the way, check out my anime blog where I touch on some of these things! http://aniphiles.wordpress.com

  10. I thought the Chinese dresses were a bit over-the-top, but other than that I thought the episode was great! Mainly because of how Ohana reacted when she got $200 as her salary. The importance and true value of money isn’t as preached as it normally should in most anime, and this anime totally showed it big time.

  11. I’ll agree with the useless involvement of fanservice but it was a far cry from the “black spot” of episode 3. Whoever at PA works is letting them insert this stuff needs to put an end to it.

    That being said, I actually found the overall premise and execution (aside from said parts) pretty charming. Like most of the episodes so far, its done a decent job fleshing out some degree of character development but still letting me indulge abit in the guilty pleasure of watching a real a great slice of life series.

  12. It’s probably going to end up a love triangle what with Ohana’s text pal… Bah, seems like this is the type of situation that tends to drag in anime. Well, I tried to delude myself into thinking that Tohru was more infatuated with the costumes themselves than with Ohana

  13. The fact that people honestly thought this slice of life show would be some hardcore drama-fest is beyond me. Ohana’s character is too bubbly and the general atmosphere of the inn it too bright for something like that.

  14. It wasn’t this lighthearted in the first two episodes though, so I don’t see what your point is.

  15. actually, I had the same impression as dosetsu even before watching the third episode. Thinking back, I probably started watching the series as slice of life and not drama when I saw that Ohana didn’t really give a damn after being abandoned by her mom. It didn’t help that the plight Ohana faced afterwards wasn’t even remotely close to a big deal. I mean if you think about it, after getting ditched by parents, kids would usually get stuck in a worse situation, right? But instead, she finds herself in front of a grand hot springs inn like the start of some shoujo adventure only with most of the male prospects missing >

  16. In some respects this was the best episode since episode 2, although NOWHERE near the first two episodes in emotional content. To me this show seems like it has been drifting ever since episode 2 ended. This episode didn’t really convince me that things were going to get better soon. I suppose the best thing for me to do now is drop the show, and wait until (if) I hear that it has gotten good again.

  17. This had all the convenient depth and charm of a Heartcatch Precure episode, but without the Desertorian battle.

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