Hana-Saku Iroha – 02

Hana-Saku Iroha: the series with the best drama of the season. I seriously did not expect this show to already be this good this soon, and Noitamina’s Anohana is going to have some really stiff competition here. What’s best is that finally, PA Works are moving into 26 episoded series.

The strength of this series is that it has a huge cast of characters who all somehow clash with each other, and it plays off of this really well. Ohana is a great lead character whose personality is perfect for this series, but the other main characters are all great to watch. Her strict grandmother and the shy waitress in particular were great, and I also loved the bickering between her and the cook assistant who keeps telling her to die..

What’s interesting is that some of the people have this habit of just walking away when they run into a situation they don’t like. Ohana actually made good use of that at the end of this episode with a particularly wonderful climax and I really hope that this show can keep this up.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

12 thoughts on “Hana-Saku Iroha – 02

  1. I’m quite surprised by this series, I thought it was just going to be a bunch of teen manipulating drama with a cast of overused archetypes, Oh boy was I wrong! Ohana is not only lovable and strong-minded; you can actually see a process of thought behind her actions (not just a unmovable philosophy of pessimism). But my favorite part of this show is how while they touch serious and dramatic issues they also do it with a subtle and almost cruel humor. This season has shows I was/I am really looking forward to watch (i.e. Steins;Gate) but this may end up as my favorite, QUITE a surprise…

  2. Agreed. Definitely the best drama so far. I love how we get a female lead that isn’t afraid to voice her opinions yet not whining or flirting. A genuine hardworking girl who ruffles some feathers through her attitude.

    It’s an imperfect cast who each have their own issues and that’s the root of the best dramas. The ending of this episode left me speechless. Did not see that coming.

  3. “Noitamina’s Anohana is going to have some really stiff competition here.”

    I’ll forgive Okada Mari for fractal and gosick (and really,those aren’t bad,just “meh”) if she somehow manages to be writing the best two orginal dramas of this spring season.

  4. I’m hooked. The only fault I can find is that the character’s personalities are a bit .. too abrasive (especially Minko).

    I’m just a bit worried that they seem to be gunning for a sex-offender story. That’s a tough one to pull off without feeling cheap.

  5. Another great episode. I love the “special” dinner Ohana made for her mom as a kid. :p While the cliffhanger ending creeped me out to no end, I get the feeling nothing is going to come of it next week. The preview just looked like everyone was way to happy for something bad to have happened to Ohana.

  6. I’m quite surprised by this series, I thought it was just going to be a bunch of teen manipulating drama with a cast of overused archetypes, Oh boy was I wrong! Ohana is not only lovable and strong-minded; you can actually see a process of thought behind her actions (not just a unmovable philosophy of pessimism). But my favorite part of this show is how while they touch serious and dramatic issues they also do it with a subtle and almost cruel humor. This season has shows I was/I am really looking forward to watch (i.e. Steins;Gate) but this may end up as my favorite, QUITE a surprise…

  7. How come nobody comments about the artwork here? My word, it’s amazing. Usually the praise stops at “just background” or “just character designs” — and even then, only for being “original” or “unique.” This manages to actually look quite pretty, and not just in a quirky, uniquely strange way. It manages to look both mainstream, unique, and universally gorgeous all at once.

    Pretty neat. I don’t know about Ohana pushing over Minchi and SHYGIRL and then demanding to know their worst favorite meals to make… that just screamed cheese (and not the edible variant).

    What the HELL is with that author in the end? I can’t believe there’d be anything sexual in a show this cute and sincere (albeit a bit hard around the edges in the drama department). I’ll bet he’s just coming at her for some other random reason. Think YnS episode 1 trolling.

  8. @hoiut

    I remember in True Tears they did a few bait and switches in the previews. Perhaps they are doing the same thing?

  9. I am surprised that people had low expectations of this series. I can almost always tell just by looking at a poster if a series is going to be good or not. Something about the character designs maybe, or who they want to appeal. I believe that in that case, anime is different from books, in that while I don’t say that you can judge an anime by its cover, you can have very accurate expectations from it. Still, if I had gone just by the covers, I’d have never checked stuff like Madoka Magica, so thank god there are blogs like this.

  10. @Perrin4869: I so agree with you. I knew the moment I saw this poster, that this would be a good show and my expectations were met, thank god. Hopefully the show will keep up the quality and deliver more than 13 episodes, even if I don’t think so..

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