Hakuouki – 03

Okay, so now it is getting a bit annoying to see the lead character run everywhere, only to get protected. You can see that she really wants to help, and I can very much understand that she’s not going to get good at swordsmanship in order to be able to take on a number of adults, but when she runs into a building in which there are ton of angry guys waiting to kill everything that has to do with the Shinsengumi, she just jumps into the realm of the stupid.

In any case, with this episode it’s pretty much clear that the creators just plan to use the setting of the Shinsengumi for their own story: apparently Shinpachi Nagakura and Toudou Heisuke died of their wounds later on. Here, they pretty much survive. I doubt that the characters are actually going to Ezo at this point, but who knows. With the sub-par acting, it’s really going to depend on the character-development and the series’ ideas for its plot.

I didn’t like how the unnamed members of the shinsengumi are pretty much just cardboard cut-outs. Seriously, they don’t do anything; they just stand there and play for furniture that can draw swords. For the main plot, I really do want a bit more depth on the villains at this rate. At this point I’m still struggling a bit with the believability of this series: with some series it’s apparent that the creators did their research. Here it is not. It’s also the way in which the characters heal within like what? A week?

However, damn, that soundtrack was really good! When you just look at the pacing, then this episode was quite good. This is one of those series that you shouldn’t watch for its fights, but for its atmosphere, but that one was really good. The voice acting is bad at times, but the characters are getting fleshed out by their dialogue. This is one of those series that could get really good later on. Or it can just remain forgettable and a waste of time.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

11 thoughts on “Hakuouki – 03

  1. …I feel like dropping this show. Is it worth it, besides the fact that there’s the shinsengumi and the japanese samurai history and also the bishounens? XD

  2. I enjoy it as pure fun, I’m not expecting much in the form of character development or anything, just fun…I compared it to scooby doo for grown ups at one point, that’s kind of how I feel about it.

  3. None of the main characters die because of this incident IRL. Shinpachi actually lives the longest (along with Saito), and Heisuke becomes a traitor later on.

  4. Couldn’t you just drop this show and pick up Kaichou wa Maid-Sama again? *makes puppy eyes*
    I mean, you at least enjoyed KwM so far and only dropped it in favor of the rest (or so it seemed)… so if Hakuoki is already giving you the doubts… wouldn’t it be better to switch again?

  5. Azula: the thing I’m worried about is Maid-Sama’s potential as a shoujo-series. I’m not sure about whether it’s going to remain great.

    I’m not excluding the possibility of re-picking it up, though, because as you say: Hakuouki also doesn’t have much going for it in the potential-department. I first want to watch Uragiri’s second episode though. Based on the first episode it did seem more solid and creative than both of them, but that al might just change with the second episode.

    But is Kaichou wa Maid Sama really going to have a lot of potential for later on?

  6. psgels, Maid-sama makes me feel good when I watch it, but it seems to already be falling into a predictable formula. I don’t see it going anywhere truly interesting. That doesn’t mean its not a fun watch, but I just don’t see a lot of blogging potential…
    Hakuoki also, what is there to say about it? uragiri, though, has a lot of interesting things going on if it continues the way its first episode did. I definitely see it as having the most blogging potential of the three.

  7. The series is indeed lacking that something extra right now. But it just started, right? So I think it has the ability to become a good series.

    Shinsengumi history is a really good plot base, but it all depends on how they manipulate it.

    The way things are going now…it’s not looking so good for this series (clueless protagonist, afterthought bg characters, etc). You can see a really clear difference between the game and the anime. But only time will tell.

    For now I will forge through with this series and see where it goes.

    PS: Theme songs = Best thing ever. Ever. Ever. -echo-

  8. *SPOILERS* Google-sama told me that this series was based on an otome DS game, hence the harem nature of the anime. Basically, the Shinsengumi have taken some elixir which is made of demon’s blood or something and while it allows them to regenerate like a cut tuber (and fast, too), it takes years off their lifespan, explaining why all the Shinsengumi died young. Just thought I should explain why they recover so fast. ^^

  9. I’d just like to point out a slight mistake – Nagakura Shinpachi lived until 1915, when he was in his seventies, rather than dying from his Ikeda Jiken wounds.

  10. Saw the last episode. Chizuru didn’t change much. The ending was just so sad. It was a tearjerker. There will be a second season.

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