Hakuouki – 02

As for the series I’m not going to blog:
– Lilpri is ridiculously stupid, but it has its heart at the right place: you can see that it’s really trying to do something. It just fails horribly at times, but it’s ridiculously entertaining for both the right and wrong reasons. However, me blogging it? Nah.

In any case, I was in a lot of doubts about whether or not to blog Hakuouki. I intended to fill this slot by either one of the three bishie-series this season (Uragiri, Rainbow and this one). While I can’t say anything about Uragiri yet (if that one does turn out awesome I may have to drop either this one or Angel Beats), but the thing with Rainbow is that while it’s got an awesome concept, the acting is utterly terrible. On top of that, I actually doubt that Madhouse is willing to spend enough time to fully animate all of the novels. Normally I love Madhouse, but they have made their share of flops, and the director of these flops is now in charge of that series.

Hakuouki on the other hand is just annoying: it’s one of those series with those few hints of potential that might or might not hint at something better. But I’m deciding to give it a chance, because if it does manage to get everything right it has the potential to become awesome. The biggest reason for this is the dialogue: it really tries to flesh out the characters with it. While the voice acting itself isn’t that special, with that kind of dialogue we really have the potential to get to know our characters. It’s now all going to depend on how the characters are going to develop.

However, do note that I WILL drop this series as soon as I find out that there are only going to be 13 episodes. With these kinds of premises, you really NEED those 24 or 26 episodes to really get somewhere. At this point it’s too late for this series to really stand out if it’s just going to run for one season: it’ll just end up as another forgettable samurai adventure with a bit of random action.

Speaking of the action, that was one of the other reasons that this series caught my eye: it’s damn tense! Well built up, and they’re short but powerful. Most of the time Studio Deen’s animation wasn’t anything special in this series, but that scene in which that guy charged on Yukimura was really well animated. At the same time it shows what the creators are capable of, and yet it’s not one of those cases in which they obviously blow all of their budget in the first episode. Speaking of Yukimura: she has a lot of potential IF (and only if) she manages to grow. At this point, she’s still that typical useless lead who can’t do anything. However, this episode just kept dropping hints that “you know what? This girl is going to develop into a dependable woman.” What I got from her was a strong urge to learn and understand everyone. Standalone, this is just useless, pointless and rather annoying. With development however: ah, the potential.
Rating: * (Good)

8 thoughts on “Hakuouki – 02

  1. Not certain if Rainbow is considered as a bishie-series…. well, they’re young…. but pretty? Hhhhmmmm…. maybe it’s just the art style

    I like Uragiri more than the one though. Couldn’t wait anymore that I watched it raw xD Haha

    Oh yeah, Yukimura, develop? From how I see her at Hakouki: Jurenka…. nah.

  2. Wait, Uragiri’s first episode is already out? Where did you find it?

    Also, it’s a bit of a shame to see that Yukimura didn’t develop in the manga. I hope that the anime will at least do this better.

  3. * I like Uragiri more than this one though
    My typos =_=

    You already saw the episode when I noticed this reply ^^; Anyway, when I posted that comment, Uragiri was already out in some anime streaming sites (like watchanimeon.com)

    The Hakouki manga I’ve read seems to be a sequel… either that or an alternative universe because the shinsengumi guys are wearing western outfits. Ah well, I hope the anime does changes on her character. She was… so disappointing in the manga =_=

  4. I don’t think the anime will change her character in any positive way. She’s the heroine in a bishie dating-sim…meaning she has to be utterly useless, uncapable and basically unable to live without any support those men can give her. Then at the end, she might make a 180°turn once she is in a character-ending.

    I think I’ll keep watching Hakuouki, just for the lol’s and to see how much one can mess up history in favour of pretty boys.

  5. Hard to say if one can consider Rainbow a bishie series, unless of course you consider the character designer is a woman and that is your only criteria.

    As for keeping up with these series, I think the Japanese history geek in me is going to keep me watching. Personally, I’m surprised they’re already doing the infamous Ikedaya Incident. Usually in Shinsengumi-related media, Ikedaya is a big thing reserved for some sort of climax or huge turn of events. That fact they’re already doing it makes me wonder about the plot and how that’s going to pan out.

  6. Hakuouki makes me soooo frustrated. :/ I’m not above gushing over bishies, and truth be told, the guys actually really appeal to me, and I like watching them in action, but the absolutely useless stereotypical cry-emotional-support-fainter of a main character girl just—she’s nothing but an eyesore that makes me yell at the screen, “WHY ARE YOU SO USELESS”.

    Except without her, maybe the bishies wouldn’t be so cooooolll? D:

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