Gundam 00 – 20

Ah, finally. In this episode, the thing that I’ve been wishing for finally happened: The Union, HRF and AEU get themselves some access to Gundam-technology. Now, the Celestial Beings aren’t special anymore, and this anime can get started for real. We also get the next major villain confirmed and overall, this was a pretty good episode.

There’s just one thing: Saji. I really don’t like where this guy is going now that this episode killed off his sister. We’ve currently reached episode twenty, and every single character has become more likable, even the Trinities, apart from this kid. Really, what are the creators planning with him? He spends the current episode still being sad about what happened to Louise, and just imagine how he’ll go crazy when he finds out that his sister’s dead. He must have some kind of major role to be featured in every single episode, so I really hope that he won’t screw up this series with his pointless angst.

Also, I wonder who the traitor was that sold the Gundam-engines to the outside-world. At first, I thought that it was Alejandro again, but he was too busy in this episode with finding Veda’s location, so he couldn’t have done it. Speaking of the guy, I’m interested to know how he met that Livonze Almark, and how that guy has the same glowing eyes as Tieria and Nena.

11 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 20

  1. I can’t see Sunrise taking Saji anywhere other than Angsty Mobile Suit Pilot of Angsty with this, which is a pity, because I’d love to see him actually put his engineering skills to good use and team up with Billy. D:

    That said, I adored this episode. Mainly because it had copious amounts of Sergei and Soma kicking ass, which I can’t ever get enough of.

  2. I am so mad about the spoilers that were revealed at animesuki. Anyways, I’m pretty sure Saji has to play an important role. My guess is he’ll be the Athrun role for Setsuna’s Kira role.

  3. I got a strong impression that the traitor is that agent girl for the Celestial Being. Especially considering what she says at the end of the episode.

  4. That one’s simple: she knew too much about the practices he’s been having with that president. As he’s a war veteran, he’s not afraid to kill off people like that.

  5. Ali’s a crazy warmongering bastard to begin with – it’s not like he needs an excuse.

    That, and getting rid of the only JNN reporter brave enough to pester Laguna all the time ought to put Ali in Laguna’s good books.

  6. I think the point of featuring a character like Saji with such unfortunate events happening to him is to show that while the Celestial Being are fighting against the rest of the world, civilians like him are having precious things taken away from him, sort of a way to show how innocent people around the world is being affected by the events of the show. I don’t necessarily think he HAS to follow the footsteps of Shinn Asuka from GSD…

  7. I’d love to think that, but the fact of the matter is that engineers in Gundam seldom end up anywhere other than inside a mobile suit. >.>

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