Gundam 00 – 18

Unbelievable. I don’t think that ten episodes ago, I would have expected to be glad when Setsuna showed up and acted on his own again, like he did at the end of this episode. It’s interesting how this guy has been fleshed out pretty well for the past eighteen episodes, and I hope that in the next episode, he’ll kick the Throne Gundams’ ass.

Basically in this episode we finally know why Saji and Louise have been included in this series in the first place. Louise turned out to be the victim of the first Gundam attack on civilians. She survived, but she lost her family and her hand, all at once. The culprit was basically Nena. It’s seriously been a while since I hated a character this much.

I realize how this of course is all of the creators’ intentions, but I have one major problem with the Throne Gundams, or the Trinities to be exact. In a way, they had it coming that they’d start attacking Civilians at one point, since there’s doesn’t seem to be any adult around them to keep them in check, unlike the original Gundam. Nena has basically the “dictator-syndrome”. My problem with this is that one of the reasons I came to like this series is how nearly everyone’s alignment is in sort-of a gray area. There’s nobody purely good, and nobody has been 100% evil so far.

But yeah, the Trinities are now basically portrayed as pure evil, and with this episode, they’ve also labelled the original Gundam Meisters as the good guys. This basically means that Gundam 00 is dangerously close to becoming a cheesy good vs evil-battle, instead of the political intrigue that made the previous episodes so enjoyable. I know that it’s only been three episodes since the Trinities have been introduced, but these guys seriously NEED some development! Why the heck did they end up piloting the Throne Gundams anyway?

A lot is going to depend on the next episode, and how the fight between Setsuna and the Throne Gundams will end. One major fight between them is okay, but I don’t want this series to end up with a long war between the original Gundams and the Throne ones. It’s annoying, this series was finally beginning to get developed, only to introduce some newly underdeveloped plot-devices who probably also need eight more episodes to fully unleash their potential.

10 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 18

  1. All I know is one thing, Graham is fucking AWESOME in this episode. The way he cut off Ein’s arm using its own beam saber makes the day for me XD.

    I don’t think Setsuna can do anything about Thrones in the next episode. It’s a long way for him to beat up a throne now. And seeing the spoilers for next episode makes me sure of that. But I will give him points for going out to face them at the end though. Maybe he will have some advantage? that Ein can’t fight properly thanks to Graham cutting his arm off.

  2. Well, that was a quite brutal episode.
    But don’t worry, I don’t think the plot will go on the fight Good vs. Evil.
    Cause I remember from the director’s interview, that the theme of this show is “the world of endless disputes”, and that he hates a main character who’s only in its own justice.

    Personally, my biggest concern right now is Haro and his past than anything else!

  3. Graham is THE MAN. In his forst episodes, I thought he was just a nutty, gay pilot, but now….he’s awesome. If he had a Gundam he would kick SO MUCH/ALL ass

  4. This episodes shows why you should never give whimsical immature teenage girls weapons of mass destruction…

    Graham once again shows what a true man is made of – it is not the quality of your weapon, but the quality of your heart that counts.

    Setsuna rushing blindly into a battle again will probably get his a$$ handed to him easily. Let’s hope he learns something and becomes more mature in the future(yeah right…as if that will happen)

  5. “I will force that reasoning aside with my unreasonableness!”

    Graham has a little bit of Kamina in him.

    If Setsuna, Lockon et al turn against Celestial Being and whatever stands behind it, hopefully Graham will join their posse.

  6. You’re very easily manipulable, dude. This was… a pretty terrible episode. The randomly tacked wedding sequence, the bad characterization of Nena and the need of get in the episode meaningless seemingly mysterious lines from every character don’t make for good storytelling.

  7. bad characterizations don’t make a story bad, though bad character development might. it meant to generate discussion or at least prolong the story by making rooms for more explanations (including the origin of the bad characterization). imo.

  8. For me, the best Gundam OO episode.

    In fact the combat evil vs good would be not a good thing for this series, but villains(not necessarily evil, but that are against the protagonists) is always necessary. A good villain is made by a very good explanation of his motivations.

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