Gundam 00 – 16

So, yes. This episode was for one half a recap, and for the other half it’s the proper introduction of the new Throne Gundams. Ah well, at least it was good for one thing: making me look forward to the next episode. Looking back at their intervention, while the presentation could have been better, it does make sense. I mean, Scheinberg had to have thought of the possibility that entire armies would end up against the Celestial Beings. Building in such a safety would be a great tactical move. It’s a real shame that none of the Gundams was captured, but I think that this is just going to be a simple matter of delaying the inevitable. It’s clear that the CBs have a lot of tricks up their sleeve, but these tricks have to run out at some point.

I don’t like the three new pilots of the Gundam Thrones, though. While I expect that they’ll work great when they’ll meat the normal Gundam Meisters (which is the reason why I’m looking forward to the next episode so much), on their own they seem really dull and uninspired. Especially the girl: she’s well-endowed, has a high-pitched voice, and doesn’t seem to be well-gifted in the intelligence-department.

One thing that could be interesting for the future episodes is how the three Throne Gundam Meisters lack one important thing: battle experience. Their Gundams may be fancy, but I can’t imagine how they’ve ever used them in a serious fight. Also, why was Sumeragi so worried during the battle? I mean, didn’t she know that the Throne Gundams would appear? Or could this be something that still needs to be revealed?

8 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 16

  1. Nobody knew about the Thrones beforehand, Sumeragi included. The Thrones were not a part of the battle plan described by Sumeragi and Veda. In fact, that’s why Sumeragi was acting like she had sent the Meisters on a suicide mission for all of last episode, and why she was surprised that the Meisters actually got out alive this episode.

  2. Ah, okay. In that case, the person she was worrying about in the previous episode (when she mentioned that “they” would be coming as well) was probably Allelujah and the Lieutentant from the HRL, instead of the Throne Gundams like I assumed.

  3. Really, I don’t care how the story goes unless they’re going in plain BL routes-_-
    Anyway for this episode, well yeah, I think Namikawa Daisuke and Konishi Katsuyuki are both great casts.
    But Kugimiya Rie(high-pitched girl) as Gudam Meister is just wrong…………..

  4. For a recap episode, this actually panned out decently (then again, any recap episode might be considered decent compared to the mind-numbing ones from SEED and SEED Destiny). I would’ve liked to see a much longer battle sequence in the start, though. D:

    Also, lol at Nena for one of the Throne Pilots’ names. Am I the only one who thought of 99 Luftballons?

  5. I started watching this episode with great excitement, expecting to learn about the thrones, or some kind of conflict within CB. But then they start recapping…and I regretted staying up to watch the episode….*sigh*

    Although I have to say, the Throne’s aren’t as bad as I thought they would be.

  6. Seriously, watch the SEED recaps and you’ll never complain about recaps like this one again. xD At least this one had some actual plot worked in.

  7. “Especially the girl: she’s well-endowed, has a high-pitched voice, and doesn’t seem to be well-gifted in the intelligence-department.”
    >> Roflz. You just described 97% of Sunrise-produced girls.

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