Oh god… the episode was quite good, but unfortunately one of my fears has been confirmed with this episode: the Gundam-suits become more powerful as their pilots become more emo. That’s why Veda chose teenagers to be the pilots, as their chance of losing it is much higher than with an adult. While I can settle with such an explanation, my fears that this series will gradually turn into a scream-fest as it goes on have been greatly increased.
Well then, in this episode Setsuna gets to be the next one to disobey the orders by stepping out of his suit when he realizes that the guy he’s fighting against is the one who used him as a child-soldier in a Kurdish war. It also seems that the name Setsuna is just a code-name, and he originally is called Soran, with a Kurdish nationality. You wouldn’t say that, based on their character-designs. Anyway, after that, both parties retreat and the Celestial Beings continue to slaughter the Morallian Army. That part was really meant to show how powerful the Gundams are. It may have sounded a bit one-sided, but it can turn out pretty interesting if the creators use it well, because this will prompt the different countries to actually think of more difficult strategies until one manages to defeat them. Sort-of like Simoun, actually. The enemies start out pretty stupid, though their tactics drastically improve with every attack.
Setsuna himself, by the way, continues to have as much personality as a potato. He won’t even say anything in defence for what he has done, and only keeps whining about how his existence is somehow linked with Exia. Okay, I know he’s a child-soldier and all, but didn’t the other Celestial Beings find his personality strange and worrisome when he was first recruited?
One thing I also appreciate is how this anime shows that there are a lot of civilian casualties, but the protagonists don’t keep preaching over and over how it’s bad to kill a person like in most other anime, and instead different sides and opinions are shown. Incidentally, Tiera is turning into my favourite character. He’s realistic, and actually knows what being a Celesital Being means. The terrorists also were a nice addition, and I’m interested to find out what they’d gain if the Celestial Beings stopped their actions.]]>
I like Tiera too. His b*tchiness is really refreshing.
My speculation is that the demand of CB stopping their interference might be followed surrendering their equipments, meaning their technology. I mean, if CB heeds the first demand, it’ll show that they are push overs.
Doubtful. No organisation with such superior military technology would just give it away and no terrorist group smart enough to plan something like that would expect them to. As I see it there are three ways this could go:
1) The terrorists are run of the mill extremists who oppose CB either on ideological grounds (e.g. a Marxist group who see them as propping up an unjust system, or a religious group that sees them as going against the will of God etc) or else are from one of the countries whose main source of income CB destroyed in their drug raids.
2) The whole thing is a trap to lure CB out into the open (If they do decide to act against the terrorists it won’t be via Gundam. CBs backers would have to either use other methods or take a more direct hand in investigating the affair, which will put them in the limelight) thus allowing CBs enemies to target the organisation as a whole rather than just the Gundams. If this is the case the terrorists are likely funded by PMC or a similar entity (the superpowers wouldn’t fund said terrorists directly for fear of scandal if it got out, but they may have a private group with a grudge do it for them).
3) The whole thing is some new party we haven’t been introduced to yet sending CB a message, whose agenda will be revealed in later episodes.
Those gundams are obviously powered by magic! Green Glowing lights… special particles? sounds like magic to me.
couldnt the gundams tell the leaders of the country that they are failing their people not the celestial beings…because now the country doesnt have to fear being invaded they can concentrate on internal security rather than outwards military…heh
It’s interesting so far. I guess I just wanna see Virtue blow up some terror cell somewhere with its huge*** cannon. ^_^
@Notthefamouswizard: I agree there’s no way CB would stop, but this very fact might make a good PR to discredit CB and gather public support for the superpowers to declare war against CB and increase their military spending/power. (as you can tell, I suspect the superpowers are riding behind these terrorists – ep 7 slightly suggested that PMC was behind the terrorist attacks).