Ah, I’m glad to see that Setsuna is finally about to get some development after this episode. He was just too annoying in this episode before he ran into the guy from his past. I know the guy is silent and all, but at least give him some actual dialogue, instead of “My Gundam…”, “GN Blade…” and “Exia…”.
I liked the majority of this episode, though. We learn a bit more about the other members of the cast, and we see Lockon’s father, who seems to be one of the main technicians for the Celestial Beings. Sumeragi also turns out to be older than I expected, and she seems to be in her thirties, despite what her character-design seems to suggest. Her two female workers (the brown-haired and the pink-haired one) also get fleshed out a bit. I can understand why the pink-haired one is with the Celestial Beings. She’s serious about her job and some kind of a perfectionist, though I’m not sure why the brown-haired one is with them. She seems a bit unrealistic, with her playful attitude, despite being one of the best hackers in the world.
The next target seems to be Moralia, a new nation in Southern France, which tured into one of the major military trading-companies, after they start taunting the Celestial Beings by having a massive military demonstration. Sumeragi gives as the reason why the nation wasn’t attacked earlier is because they would have gone out of business in the end, though on the other hand, if Moralia would be gone and destroyed, the other countries would have lost an important military trading-partner, which could benefit the CB’s in the long run.
Another interesting detail is how the long-haired guy who works for the scientist who works for the Union (at least, I think that’s what he worked for. It could also be the EAU, I’ve lost a bit of track of that) is an old acquaintance of Sumeragi. Something also seemed to have happened between the two of them, which could explained why she joined the CB’s after graduating.]]>
Lockon’s father? WHUT? What subs have you been watching? If you’re watching with subs, Mendoi-Conclave is recommended, not anything else.
That man IS NOT Lockon’s father. His profile before the anime even started stated that his family died in a terrorist attack in Ireland.
And Sumeragi/Billy are probably just late-20s which is reasonable.
Ack! My mistake. Conclave/Mendoi referred to the guy as Pops, which made think that he was the guy’s father. Looks like my English isn’t perfect yet.
1998, Sunrise, Cowboy Bebop, Edward ^_^ Didn’t think about that until now, but they (Sunrise) may like that idea; borderline autistic, female, super-hacker, with surprisingly optimistic lifestyle.
Cheers to good episode!
Long-haired guy, Billy!
Hey, I watch Gundam because of him and Tieria.
Their CVs are one of my best of all. (Ueda Yuji and Kamiya Hiroshi)
I’m not interested in mecha or politics or anything. And I don’t really care how the story would turn out really. I guess I’m sometimes more interested in CVs than the story itself…..