Wow… talk about a difference with the previous episodes. While the first four episodes of Gundam were about politics and clearly motivated purposes, this episode had one person going berserk and another one went off on his own. I guess the major characters in this series remain teenagers after all, which is in a way a pity. Especially the berserking young girl came from nowhere.
Another thing that was really bad about this episode was how Setsuna made a hole in the clouds, just by swinging the arms of his Gundam a bit. And here I thought that the creators put a lot of effort in creating their setting and physics. Blowing a hole in the clouds is just getting a tad too ridiculous. What I also didn’t like was the immense amount of time that was spent on the dull couple of Saji and Louise. WE DON’T NEED YET ANOTHER DATING-SIM THIS SEASON.
So, regarding the good parts… I guess that for this episode, it was Allelujah: the one who went out on his own with his Gundam, just because he wanted to protect a block of the orbital station that was blasted off. Not very professional, is it? Still, I like how the creators realize this as well, by the comments from whatshisname after the operation was finished.]]>
Yeah… saving more than 200 civilians from certain death is unprofessional…? I suppose Sergei’s decision to put the priority of saving lives above catching a Gundam is also “unprofessional” to you?
Thanks for making me see the real flaw of the creators. The fault indeed isn’t with Allelujah, I agree that without him, the 200 people would be that. The thing that I’m more surprised at is how the creators of the space-station didn’t have any back-up plan for accidents. Usually, in a project where this much money and human lives are involved, you’d want to be sure of preventing as much damage as possible. Surely, they couldn’t have thought that the rescue-team would have been enough to save a cabin that was detached?
You can simply leave the reason for the lack of preparation to human nature. Even today most organizations are not prepared for worst-case scenarios that happen.
People still die in floods even if we have helicopters, planes still crash, buildings still collapse and stuff explodes.
It could be from budget cuts, lax security, corruption, or many other factors. I’m not surprised that they had a lousy rescue team for an unexpected accident like that.
They could’ve given some explanation about the berserk girl at least. As it stands, I agree, it came out of nowhere and look almost pointless. We’ll probably have to wait for more episodes before any light is shed on this situation.
I’d also like to know where Kyrios was hidden that he could easily get to it without anyone knowing his identity. O_o;
Well, I think they will try to revive the “newtype” idea from the original Gundam. Thats the reason for the girl going berserk (Another girl made in a lab… They just dont get tired of doing this)
It was the great theory of Zeta Gundam (The best Gundam ever made. You should try watching it. I can even give you a site for download).
Let’s hope it gets better… It is still to weak for me.