Guin Saga – 23

At the end of this episode, there’s an insert song. I suspect the lyrics to be gibberish or some other obscure language, and I don’t exactly know who sung it, but whoever she was, she really has an amazing voice. Thumbs up to whoever she was. Anyway, yet another episode of excellent buildup, and a surprising scene from Sumni who proves once and for all that she’s able to kick ass. Probably the most important part in this episode was Guin (ZOMG) leaving Remus and Linda: for one, he did it because he’s targeted and Remus nearly got killed if it wasn’t for Sumni, and this also allows him to pursue his own goals, now that Remus and Linda have found their place back where they belong. At the same time, Istvan also learns that Naris is planning to marry Linda for his own goals, and quickly ends the alliance he made with him. Looking back, the weakest part of the Guin Saga was definitely the CG of the Mongol army in the Nosferas arc: while a nice try, the creators just weren’t able to simulate grand grand-scale battles with the limited budget they had. That does sort-of worry me for the finale for this series, as it promises to end with an all-out battle between the armies of Naris, Amnelis, Remus and Scar. Did the creators save up enough budget to make it work, or does the plot have a few more surprises to make up for the flawed battles? Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>

10 thoughts on “Guin Saga – 23

  1. I knew it! Sumni has proved a second (or third) time that she is no defenseless female. Right now Sumni, in my opinion, is the stronger female than Linda.

  2. Actually the insert song is “Where`er you go~Cavalleria Rusticana~” by Kanon, the same artist, that does the ED! And the obscure language is called English ^_^

  3. narris is little bit starnge for me, i really wonder if he will marry rinda or someone else , since she is his bride right now.

  4. he doesn’t like to speak about his felings towards her and avoid the questions by saying that she is merely a child. May be he loves her, i don’t know, but he is so secret.

  5. Maybe Naris doesn’t want to look like a Hebephile?
    Sumni is clearly one of the best characters, doing pretty much nothing for episodes on end except saying “Rinda?” then she pulls out that kung-fu mayhem and saves the day – hilarious “you damned monkey!”

  6. Anyone question if the Parros information network and armed forces were this good, how did they get conquered in the first place? Isn’t that a major plothole?
    Also it seems every tom dick and harry can cut through stone.

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