It’s episodes like these that really show how good this series has been at building up. Amnelis in this episode was definitely one of the highlights of the entire series for me. And that’s the thing with incredibly flawed characters in a good series: they start out rather annoying, but when they do develop properly, they make much more impact than any Mary Sue could have done.
Remus’ change from wimp to evil overlord happened very sudden, but with Amnelis, her transition from an incompetent princess to a hate-filled warlord has taken up much more time, and this episode really was the key in her development. Not only did he deceive her, but because he has become unreachable for her to even carry out her revenge, it completely changes the way Amnelis used to be. The question is: is her moment to redeem herself going to happen in the next four episodes? If not, then I’ll repeat the same words again: SECOND SEASON WHERE!?
Last episode’s climax was pretty interesting: it suggested an epic fight between Guin and some mysterious orc-like people… and yet the fight was over within a minute, and it just turned out to be a build-up for the Yellow-haired guy’s plans to bring him down. Again: do we get to see whatever he’s building up to within the next four episodes? I have no bloody clue.
Rating: *** (Awesome)]]>
They don’t make assassins like they use to.
I need second season.
Is the assasssins something they just tacked on? I get the feeling that they were not part of the original fantasy novels, and were just added to have Guin do something while the story progresses. I get the feeling that “the monster of the week” is something that’s pretty popular in anime, and this was just something they added to please the more anime oriented viewers and not bore them with all the episode that focuses only on the “minor” characters.
Is the assasssins something they just tacked on? I get the feeling that they were not part of the original fantasy novels, and were just added to have Guin do something while the story progresses. I get the feeling that “the monster of the week” is something that’s pretty popular in anime, and this was just something they added to please the more anime oriented viewers and not bore them with all the episode that focuses only on the “minor” characters.
It was an awsome episode. But….., I wonder
how they are going to conclude this show.
ye the assassin part was a joke haha but the main story is the more important thing anyway i hope it at least ends completely. great anime needs more recognition
Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned. Surely Naris knows this or not?
In addition I’ve been to Crystal Palace and trust me it looks nothing like its been portrayed in this anime – nice parks though.