And this episode starts what’s probably going to be the final arc of the first (and really hopefully not last!) season of Guin Saga. It turns out that we’re going to go to large scale warfare again, since the main focus is going to be Remus, getting Parro back from the Mongols. And damn, I really have to say that after the change of clothes he and Linda got they look a lot more mature than when they walked around in those silly robes and pirate clothes.
I wonder what Guin is going to do in this arc. While he was the main character of the first half of this series, his role got much smaller in the second half in which the focus fell more on Ardnaris and Remus. The end of this episode shows a bunch of people who seem to be after him, but I still don’t see him picking up the lead role in this arc any time soon.
The romance also got developed in this episode. Remus turned into a huge chick magnet and landed himself a future wife, and in the meantime Istvan temporarily says goodbye to Linda as he attempts to become a worthy man to become her husband.
Rating: * (Good)]]>
linda is such a whore, no wonder
istavan turns evil later on
Can anyone explain why Naris look even more of a woman now than before? Did he have a sex change after faking his death? lol!!
Thanks for blogging Guin Saga.
Anyways, I think Linda and Istavahns got fond of each other way too fast…for example I guess 2-D of some sort..?
Great serie, the animation budget is wisely use, each episode feel the same except for the Guin fight scenes wich get some extra boost ^^… I could only complain about the lack of development of some story points and Istovan as a whole (pedo doesn’t help, he?). Naris and Guin FTW!!!
I remember someone said not to become too attached to the current couples a few episodes ago. I also heard that the first sixteen volumes of the light novels will be adapted. Hopefully this will end Istovann being a ephebophile.
This anime is incredible.Only 26? What a shame!
Rinda and Istavan, they are such a great couple!
Linda is not a whore,
and Ishtovan won`t become evil.
If Linda were not a whore, how come she is so willing to marry her brother later on in the story?
It will not be happen what you said about Linda on the later story.
I have read the whole volume of the story.
You have completely miss understand something about the story or you are talking an other novel.
yea how is this show not popular?! its one of the few new anime that i can watch straight. i liked phantom too but i feel guin saga is better 😮
Ok first of all how is Istovan a pedophile? Linda is 15 and he’s 19-20 (we know this from the time he was a spy in the Mongol army and that old man commander asked him his age. @psgels: you mentioned that Rinda and Remus look more mature, well that’s to be expected seeing as they where 14 when the story started and now they are 15, the anime doesnt show it but a whole year has passed since they escaped from the palace until they returned.
How is Istovan a pedophile? Unfortunately as Rinda/Linda? has gone through puberty he technically isn’t although it does make him a hebephile, either way I found that part of the story the most disconcerting and quite honestly a 20 yo kissing a 14/15 yo I’m pretty sure would be molestation under western law, but hey the Japanese have a penchant for this sick kind of thing; would explain why a lot of Japanese schoolgirls are prostitutes.