And here we have the big climax for the Naris Amnelis Marriage. Again, there’s no Guin, Remus, Linda or Istvan whatsoever and instead we’ve got an entire episode of political intrigue. I must say that after watching this arc in Guin Saga, Tytania is looking less and less impressive right now, because Guin Saga has done a much better job at it when it comes to the political intrigue part. If only a second season got announced. But yeah, Guin Saga has the same problem.
I’m really not sure whether Satelight is going to go for a second season of Guin Saga. Looking at their past series, they are the type of studio that milks their franchises as soon as they get popular (like with Macross and especially Shugo Chara shows that they do have the guts to carry a series for a hundred episodes, which is just what this series needs), but the thing is: Guin Saga isn’t popular at all. I have no idea whether or not the Satelight Executives feel something for doing this story justice and animating all of the volumes.
In any case, this episode provided a very interesting conclusion which went totally against my expectations. The Naris that attended the wedding turns out to have been a dummy. So when Astrias comes and kills the dummy off with a poisoned sword, everyone believes that Naris had died, which turns out to have exactly been what Naris intended. And to think that this is going to mean even more character-development for Amnelis, who not only lost her future husband, but also her little brother got killed off by Marius’ boss who didn’t see much money in Marius controlling and influencing him.
What also intrigues me is how there still seems to be a role for Astrias… he didn’t die, but he just got taken away by someone I suspect to be Ardnaris. What kind of use can still be there for him?
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
Shugo Chara is more or less a network show. Satelight has a miniscule investment in that series, but it’s no risk on their part. Working on the series for so long is easy money.
Their focus will always be original creations like Basquash!, Noein, Macross, and Aquarion (mostly under Shoji Kawamori) with the rest kinda filling in the gaps.
This episode is utterly amazing like all the others of this incredible series!!! I love it more and more with each episode! But how can it be not popular?!
who says its not popular?
I read on Wiki that Amnelis eventually becomes lesbian. *shrugs* Maybe Anmelis will give up all hope on men now that she’s lost her love and her brother. Poor her.
Naris made everybody believe that he was dead, so as to act behind the curtains a a ghost, but by doing so , he completely betrayed Amnelis, when and if she were to find out that he played with her feelings that way, I guess she’ll lose all trust. After all she wished to die after “he was killed”, that shows just how much she loved him.
Lol, does Amnelis become lesbian before or after she marries ?
Uhm, something strange happened to my comment…
Anyway, it was supposed to be:
Lol, does Amnelis become lesbian before or after she marries (too big of a spoiler to put it here)? 😛
You guys got a wrong information about Amnelis.
wiki said that;
she will be remarried with a man and have a c…..
I love Guin Saga.
Yeah, that’s what Japanese Wiki says about Amnelis, that she gets married to (SPOILER, there’s no way I’m telling :P) and all, so the comment about her becoming a lesbian really amused me, and that’s where my question came for 🙂
Why oh why hasn’t frong released a subbed copy yet? *cries* I hope nothing is amiss. It’s been nearly two weeks now and no subs yet. =c
While Guin Saga isn’t popular in western community, I think it is in Japan. The Light Novels on which the anime is based is to Japanesse like what LotR is to the west.
In any case, I hope we get to see more seasons of this great show.
I’m surprised nobody mentioned that the poison used against Naris was infact switched from the original poison intended. That just shows that somebody is plotting against Narris behind his back.