Guin Saga – 12

For a moment there, I thought that this was going to be a relatively uneventful build-up episode, but boy, was i wrong. This episode may have lacked a bit of fighting, but instead it was all about the characters. And now that a new arc has started, it’s great to see that some of them are getting some quality development. It’s even better to see that the ones with the most development are the ones who were the most useless and incompetent in the Nosferas arc. Yes, I’m talking about Amnelis and Remus.

It’s awesome to see that Remus is finally starting to realize that he’s been bloody useless throughout the entire series, and I love how the creators were specifically using the Nosferas arc to show what a weakling he was. It seems that his character will be much more important in the upcoming arc, and I’m interested to see how his character is going to develop.

Amnelis on the other hand develops in a completely different way, when she falls in love with… Ardnaris, whom she was supposed to be engaged with. I’m not exactly sure how he managed to pull that off by getting on the Mongol’s good side, but he seems to be enjoying it. Amnelis on the other hand is in for some interesting development that really is going to change her majorly. I’m still not sure whether this is going to be for the better or worse, but I’d love to find out.

This episode also introduces the three mystery characters that suddenly popped up in last week’s OP. They turn to be related to Ardnaris, it seems. The bond-haired guy seems to be his brother, while the black-haired couple also seem among his allies.

Rating: ** (Excellent)
Remus and Amnelis’s character-development? Count me in!

5 thoughts on “Guin Saga – 12

  1. i dont quite like where this is going… just hope Remus wont be just used by the skeletor dude and then saved by the others in the end >_>

    that would just be disappointing thinking that he’s becoming more mature.

    but wait, if he really is being used by skeletor dude, i hope they make it so that he would really follow that path to the end, finding and believing what seems to be right in his eyes but not so in his companion’s. and please… make him more manly..

  2. Isn’t that skeleton guy the evil wizard Amnelis had working for her, who disappeared during the Nosferas arc? I also, don’t really like seeing Remus turn to the dark side, as it is a bit stereotypical. But if any show can take a cliche like that and turn it into something interesting and deep, its this one.

  3. What would be cliche is the good guys recuing him just before it’s too late. And that what probably is probably going to happen: skeleton guy using him and good guys recuing him just in time for the new arc and then remus is not stupid anymore, the show has quite a few cliches already.

    What would not be so cliche is him turning to the dark side really up until the end where he can’t do anything to turn back and dying or something like that, showing that way to the good guys that they have to be careful not to end up like him.

    There are not a lot more variations where the story can go. Don’t you think?

  4. I’m not going to spoil anything yet, but… even though it wasn’t as obvious in the anime…
    The Skeleton dude, Cal Mori, is dead. In the novels, they found his body amongst the grounds of the battle, after everything was said and done…
    As for Remus’ future… well… We actually know that from the novels, too, in a poetic form, at the end of the March arc (Nospherus Arc). However, again, I won’t spoil that for you. ^^

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